


Bug #1740 ยป test.xq

Test query and measurements - Michael Kay, 2013-04-24 12:14

declare variable $n external;
let $x := for $i in 1 to $n return 1
return sum(for $i in 1 to $n return $x[$i][1])

bytecode on off
9.5 1000 16.44ms 16.44ms
2000 41.06ms 38.78ms
4000 86.06ms 62.64ms
8000 258.87ms 161.25ms
16000 1000.31ms 598.66ms
bytecode on off
9.4 1000 0.85ms 1.29ms
2000 0.86ms 1.26ms
4000 1.06ms 1.55ms
8000 1.52ms 2.67ms
16000 2.51ms 4.89ms
9.6 (modified to make ProgressiveIterator grounded)

bytecode on off
4000 1.13ms 1.19ms
8000 1.60ms 1.90ms
16000 2.70ms 3.96ms
9.6 (modified so subscript uses ProgressiveIterator.itemAt())
bytecode on off
4000 0.88ms 1.08ms
8000 1.62ms 2.23ms
16000 2.48ms 2.70ms