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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
6683 SaxonC Bug New Low Review output encoding for C++ methods returning char* O'Neil Delpratt 2025-02-07 15:49 Actions
6680 Saxon Support New High Does Saxon 9 PE support JDK 21 ? 2025-02-07 10:20 Actions
6679 Saxon Bug New Low Variable value&type changes when accessing it from within an iteration (while computing an accumulator value) 2025-02-04 12:07 Actions
6671 Saxon Bug In Progress Normal ClassCastException during schema load with multiple imports (Saxon 12.5.0) Michael Kay 2025-01-31 19:50 Actions
6670 Saxon Bug New High Adding TraceListener degrading the performance of XSLT Execution Michael Kay 2025-02-06 08:31 Actions
6665 Saxon Bug New Normal Saxon 10 -> 12 migration xsd import issue 2025-01-27 21:11 Actions
6663 Saxon Bug New Low Ambiguous template match reported for a single template 2025-01-21 22:28 Actions
6662 Saxon Bug New Normal java.lang.NullPointerException found for saxon:line-number 2025-01-21 22:43 Actions
6650 SaxonC Feature New Normal SaxonC-HE wheels for Python 3.13 Matt Patterson 2025-01-17 11:05 Actions
6641 Saxon Bug New Low Invalidity handler is started and ended twice... 2025-01-10 10:23 Actions
6637 Saxon Support New Low Accumulators in chained Burst Streaming mode causing OOM 2025-01-16 20:11 Actions
6625 SaxonC Bug New Low Allow Processors with different Configurations to have compatible documents 2025-01-06 12:26 Actions
6624 Saxon Bug New Normal NullPointerException with Saxon EE 12.5 when chaining stylesheets with streamed processing 2025-01-17 12:24 Actions
6623 SaxonC Bug New Normal Documentation on memory management of pointers O'Neil Delpratt 2025-01-03 11:01 Actions
6612 SaxonC Bug New Normal Memory leak under sustained load (12.5) 2024-12-20 17:09 Actions
6611 Saxon Support New Normal XSD Validation Throws Exception when validation fails. 2024-12-19 16:02 Actions
6610 Saxon Feature New High Add localization info in net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmItem. Michael Kay 2024-12-16 14:29 Actions
6608 Saxon Bug New High Missing XML-tracing information while debugging with Saxon 12.5 Michael Kay 2024-12-10 08:19 Actions
6603 Saxon Bug New Low Importing functions from an XSLT stylesheet exposes private functions 2024-12-06 10:43 Actions
6599 SaxonJS Bug New Low Sequence interacts badly with try/catch 2024-11-28 09:55 Actions
6598 Saxon Bug In Progress Normal java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException processing 1.0 stylesheet Michael Kay 2024-11-28 17:04 Actions
6595 Saxon Feature New Normal Shouldn't XPathSelector have a method setTraceFunctionDestination? 2024-11-22 12:17 Actions
6594 Saxon Bug In Progress Low Reflexive access to overloaded methods in Saxon 10 on .NET Framework Michael Kay 2024-11-20 23:30 Actions
6591 SaxonC Bug New Normal getPrefix currently not supported on element XdmNode Matt Patterson 2024-11-28 11:12 Actions
6585 Saxon Feature New Low Zip/archive support for Saxon-CS 2024-11-13 18:02 Actions
6578 Saxon Support New Low FORG0002 not understood ! 2024-11-20 07:39 Actions
6576 SaxonC Bug New Low EE-Python erroring out when trying to create a Processor Matt Patterson 2024-10-31 12:15 Actions
6572 SaxonJS Feature New Low Don't modify sef when xsl doesn't change 2024-11-06 23:32 Actions
6570 Saxon Bug New High Concurrent Performance Issues SaxonEE10-9N (dotnet) Arif Yayalar 2024-11-06 17:54 Actions
6567 Saxon Bug New Low Xerces parser fatal error handling 2024-10-22 07:50 Actions
6563 SaxonC Bug New Normal Missing py stubs in saxonche (12.5) Matt Patterson 2024-11-28 11:19 Actions
6561 SaxonC Bug New Normal SaxonC Support for Python 3.13 Matt Patterson 2025-01-16 21:47 Actions
6547 Saxon Support New Low Schema loading performance regressions 2024-09-24 11:21 Actions
6536 SaxonC Bug New Normal Crash/Segmentation fault with Python SaxonCHE 12.5 Matt Patterson 2024-11-28 11:04 Actions
6534 SaxonJS Feature New Normal Error messages with line numbers 2024-09-15 16:53 Actions
6526 SaxonC Bug New Normal PHP API xdmNode->axisNodes(3) returns the XdmNode itself instead of its children Matt Patterson 2024-11-28 11:03 Actions
6525 SaxonC Bug New Normal XdmNode::getChildren() returns always null - Should be array Matt Patterson 2025-01-21 16:59 Actions
6524 Saxon Bug New Low xsl:message from stylesheets executed with fn:transform() cannot be obtained by message consummer Michael Kay 2024-10-01 13:37 Actions
6522 SaxonC Bug New Low The documentation for Saxon\SchemaValidator is incorrect Matt Patterson 2024-11-28 11:56 Actions
6509 Saxon Bug New Low Python-related Gradle tasks failing with python error Matt Patterson 2024-08-14 13:39 Actions
6507 Saxon Feature New Normal TraceListener enhancements for code coverage Michael Kay 2024-08-30 11:07 Actions
6499 Saxon Support In Progress High Reg: SAXON EE migration from 10.5 to 12.2 Norm Tovey-Walsh 2024-08-30 11:25 Actions
6498 Saxon Bug New Low SaxonJ-HE 12.5 Normal Level of Trace output when using fn:transform() with -Tlevel:high 2024-08-08 12:52 Actions
6497 Saxon Bug New Low SaxonJ-HE 12.5 trace not well-formed when XSLT uses transform function to call template 2024-08-09 12:53 Actions
6495 Saxon Bug New Low Spurious warning for xs:integer 2024-08-08 11:23 Actions
6466 SaxonC Bug In Progress Low Python interactive interpreter seg-faults on tab completion Matt Patterson 2024-07-12 17:56 Actions
6464 Saxon Bug New Low Saxon prints stack trace when MessageListener throws an exception 2024-07-18 11:06 Actions
6463 Saxon Bug New Low Trace omits xsl:copy and literal result element with Saxon-HE 12.5J 2024-07-02 17:12 Actions
6462 Saxon Bug New Low Update the NuGet dependencies 2024-11-15 11:21 Actions
6460 Saxon Bug New Low Possible lazy evaluation side-effect 2024-07-05 17:39 Actions
6459 Saxon Bug New Normal Reference to XMLSchema.dtd not resolved locally Michael Kay 2024-06-26 21:57 Actions
6458 SaxonC Bug New Low The test driver doesn't follow http redirects Matt Patterson 2024-11-28 11:29 Actions
6457 Saxon Bug New Low Trace on xsl:param identifies descendant element, sometimes with column="0" (Saxon-HE 12.4J) 2024-06-24 12:52 Actions
6453 Saxon Bug New Normal Reusable XML parser is not immutable Michael Kay 2024-09-15 18:14 Actions
6445 SaxonC Support New Normal Are EXSLT function supposed to be supported in SaxonC EE (12.4.2)? O'Neil Delpratt 2024-06-18 18:06 Actions
6443 SaxonC Bug New Low Python PySaxonProcessor.make_atomic_value is returning None instead of a value Matt Patterson 2024-06-03 10:53 Actions
6438 Saxon Bug New Low Command Line and Config File option differences 2024-06-04 16:00 Actions
6429 Saxon Bug New Low setConfigurationProperty() 2024-09-30 09:24 Actions
6427 SaxonC Bug In Progress Low Problems with SELinux policy violations. Matt Patterson 2024-05-15 21:44 Actions
6399 Saxon Support In Progress Low Is XmlProcessingError.IsWarning supposed to be "false" for SXWNxxxx? 2024-04-25 13:28 Actions
6375 SaxonJS Feature New Low Support popular DOM implementations Michael Kay 2024-03-19 15:58 Actions
6374 SaxonJS Bug New Normal saxon.compile removed in 2.6+? 2024-03-20 04:38 Actions
6353 SaxonC Bug In Progress Low Unicode characters in filenames are causing errors in Windows Matt Patterson 2024-07-02 12:24 Actions
6333 SaxonC Bug In Progress Normal Representing empty sequence O'Neil Delpratt 2024-07-04 09:33 Actions
6330 SaxonJS Feature New Low XSD Schema Validation in SaxonJS 2024-01-26 20:08 Actions
6328 SaxonC Feature New Low Expose URI helpers to C/C++ O'Neil Delpratt 2024-12-16 13:43 Actions
6325 SaxonC Bug New Normal saxonche.PySaxonApiError: Null found in Java string conversation. Line number: -1 O'Neil Delpratt 2024-01-20 01:28 Actions
6322 Saxon Support New Normal Is the old collation URI in EE supposed to rely on the JDK collation support or on ICU? 2024-02-04 13:52 Actions
6316 SaxonC Feature New Low Make PyXslt30Processor and pysaxonProcessor serializable/pickleable O'Neil Delpratt 2024-11-28 12:40 Actions
6307 Saxon Feature New Low Saxon (HE; Java) trace missing xsl:accumulator and xsl:accumulator-rule, and v12.4 is missing the descendants 2024-05-10 19:50 Actions
6299 SaxonC Bug New Low Add a Makefile to the release for building of the SaxonC C/C++ API library Matt Patterson 2024-11-28 13:32 Actions
6298 SaxonJS Bug AwaitingInfo Normal base-uri() value does not update together with DOM 2024-09-09 15:27 Actions
6290 SaxonC Feature New Normal Python exceptions O'Neil Delpratt 2023-12-15 14:34 Actions
6287 SaxonC Feature In Progress Normal User extension function for the C++, PHP and Python APIs Matt Patterson 2024-11-28 12:47 Actions
6252 SaxonJS Feature New Low Add declaration file for saxon-js to DefinitelyTyped? 2023-11-16 08:32 Actions
6243 SaxonJS Feature New Normal Extend HTTP client to allow request body objects of other kinds (e.g. File) as accepted by the underlying API Debbie Lockett 2024-10-18 12:50 Actions
6233 SaxonJS Bug New Normal ReferenceError: abstractNode is not defined 2024-08-15 12:09 Actions
6172 Saxon Bug New Low In 4.0, keywords in function calls are sometimes ignored Michael Kay 2023-08-16 00:10 Actions
6132 SaxonJS Bug New Normal documentPool passed to SaxonJS.transform doesn't seem to be used if the stylesheet uses fn:transform or xsl:evaluate 2023-07-19 13:19 Actions
6127 Saxon Bug New Low Documentation: argument keywords in function library Michael Kay 2023-11-07 11:52 Actions
6120 SaxonC Bug New Normal Unclear installation instruction for linking SaxonC library in C++ Matt Patterson 2024-11-28 12:49 Actions
6119 SaxonJS Support New Low Advice on tracking down log warning 2024-07-19 12:55 Actions
6074 SaxonC Feature AwaitingInfo Low Enhance the C API with separate XSLT compile and execute functions O'Neil Delpratt 2023-11-07 13:39 Actions
6009 SaxonC Bug In Progress Normal cppTests/testXSLT30 exampleTransformToString fails, probably due to wrong base URI lacking a trailing slash O'Neil Delpratt 2023-11-07 13:47 Actions
5980 Saxon Support New Normal Should setting parser property affect XsltCompiler? 2023-08-06 18:34 Actions
5943 SaxonC Bug AwaitingInfo Normal XSLT through SaxonC PHP gives "Segmentation fault" O'Neil Delpratt 2023-11-07 13:50 Actions
5923 SaxonJS Feature In Progress Normal Provide a way to control event listener parameters 2024-12-19 11:53 Actions
5919 Saxon Feature New Low Event APIs for writing XML in SaxonCS Michael Kay 2023-03-13 12:39 Actions
5916 SaxonJS Bug New Normal Using xsl:merge with xsl:merge-source for-each-source="'input1.xml'" select="some-xpath" gives error XPDY0002 "Focus for / is absent" 2023-03-12 19:27 Actions
5871 SaxonC Support AwaitingInfo Normal Correct pylint warnings Matt Patterson 2024-11-28 12:15 Actions
5834 SaxonC Feature AwaitingInfo Low Gizmo working with SaxonC O'Neil Delpratt 2023-11-07 14:08 Actions
5833 SaxonC Feature New Low Add the Path class as argument to method PyQueryProcessor.set_query_base_uri() O'Neil Delpratt 2023-01-18 18:48 Actions
5821 SaxonC Bug New Low Feature request: allow xml_file for parse_xml, etc. O'Neil Delpratt 2023-01-17 00:51 Actions
5784 SaxonJS Feature New Low [enhancement] in-browser debugger 2023-01-03 17:37 Actions
5755 Saxon Feature New Low Wouldn't it be nice to have an Package Resolver? Michael Kay 2022-12-06 15:12 Actions
5712 SaxonJS Bug New Normal Secondary result documents in the browser 2022-10-06 14:01 Actions
5709 Saxon Feature New Normal Compiler and target processor information from fn:system-property() Michael Kay 2023-01-19 12:42 Actions
5678 SaxonJS Bug New Low Returning only the unconverted error object is burdonsome 2024-07-19 19:36 Actions
5651 Saxon Bug New Low Garbage collection of xsl:key indexes Michael Kay 2022-08-22 12:36 Actions
5638 SaxonC Feature New Normal Support extension functions in Python O'Neil Delpratt 2023-11-07 14:12 Actions
(1-100/137) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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