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Can't replace the whole page
Added by Eric van der Vlist over 11 years ago
In this simple repro, I am trying to replace the whole page:
<title>Repro for replacing the whole page</title> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="saxon/SaxonceDebug/Saxonce.nocache.js"></script><script type="application/xslt+xml" language="xslt2.0" src="repro-self.xsl" data-initial-template="init"></script> </head> <body> <div> <h3>Repro for replacing the whole page</h3> <button>Click me</button> </div> </body>
<title>Replacement page</title>Replacement page¶
When I click on the button, the page is replaced by a new page that remains blank. Inspecting the DOM shows an empty html element.
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