


How to trigger an event using saxon ce

Added by Peter Rushforth about 11 years ago

How can I trigger a click event on an input control? I am trying to develop a reasonable user experience using suggestions. The list is populated, but does not become visible until the user clicks on the list again. Wondering how to do that programmatically?

Thanks Peter Rushforth

Replies (1)

RE: How to trigger an event using saxon ce - Added by Michael Kay about 11 years ago

I think the answer is, do it exactly how you would in Javascript (which I would have to look up!)

Alternatively, you can of course simulate the causing of the event by directly calling the template that reacts to the event, e.g by using apply-templates in the relevant mode. But this may not be an exact simulation, because although the same XSLT code will be executed, there may be different things happening at the Javascript level - e.g. changes in appearance caused by CSS.


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