


Bug #1621 ยป

New StandardErrorListener code containing the patch - Michael Kay, 2012-09-07 14:33

package net.sf.saxon.lib;

import net.sf.saxon.Configuration;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContext;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.*;
import net.sf.saxon.trace.ContextStackFrame;
import net.sf.saxon.trace.ContextStackIterator;
import net.sf.saxon.trace.InstructionInfo;
import net.sf.saxon.trace.Location;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.KeyDefinition;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Navigator;
import net.sf.saxon.type.ValidationException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener;
import javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMLocator;
import java.util.Iterator;

* <B>StandardErrorListener</B> is the standard error handler for XSLT and XQuery processing
* errors, used if no other ErrorListener is nominated.
* @author Michael H. Kay

public class StandardErrorListener implements ErrorListener, Serializable {

private int recoveryPolicy = Configuration.RECOVER_WITH_WARNINGS;
private int warningCount = 0;
protected transient PrintStream errorOutput = System.err;

* Create a Standard Error Listener

public StandardErrorListener() {

* Make a clean copy of this ErrorListener. This is necessary because the
* standard error listener is stateful (it remembers how many errors there have been)
* @param hostLanguage the host language (not used by this implementation)
* @return a copy of this error listener

public StandardErrorListener makeAnother(int hostLanguage) {
StandardErrorListener sel;
try {
sel = this.getClass().newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
sel = new StandardErrorListener();
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
sel = new StandardErrorListener();
sel.errorOutput = errorOutput;
return sel;

// Note, when the standard error listener is used, a new
// one is created for each transformation, because it holds
// the recovery policy and the warning count.

* Set output destination for error messages (default is System.err)
* @param writer The PrintStream to use for error messages

public void setErrorOutput(PrintStream writer) {
errorOutput = writer;

* Get the error output stream
* @return the error output stream

public PrintStream getErrorOutput() {
return errorOutput;

* Set the recovery policy
* @param policy the recovery policy for XSLT recoverable errors. One of
* {@link Configuration#RECOVER_SILENTLY},
* {@link Configuration#RECOVER_WITH_WARNINGS},
* {@link Configuration#DO_NOT_RECOVER}.

public void setRecoveryPolicy(int policy) {
recoveryPolicy = policy;

* Get the recovery policy
* @return the recovery policy for XSLT recoverable errors. One of
* {@link Configuration#RECOVER_SILENTLY},
* {@link Configuration#RECOVER_WITH_WARNINGS},
* {@link Configuration#DO_NOT_RECOVER}.

public int getRecoveryPolicy() {
return recoveryPolicy;

* Receive notification of a warning.
* <p/>
* <p>Transformers can use this method to report conditions that
* are not errors or fatal errors. The default behaviour is to
* take no action.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>After invoking this method, the Transformer must continue with
* the transformation. It should still be possible for the
* application to process the document through to the end.</p>
* @param exception The warning information encapsulated in a
* transformer exception.
* @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
* if the application
* chooses to discontinue the transformation.
* @see javax.xml.transform.TransformerException

public void warning(TransformerException exception)
throws TransformerException {

if (recoveryPolicy == Configuration.RECOVER_SILENTLY) {
// do nothing

if (errorOutput == null) {
// can happen after deserialization
errorOutput = System.err;
String message = "";
if (exception.getLocator() != null) {
message = getLocationMessage(exception) + "\n ";
message += wordWrap(getExpandedMessage(exception));

if (exception instanceof ValidationException) {
errorOutput.println("Validation error " + message);

} else {
errorOutput.println("Warning: " + message);
if (warningCount > 25) {
errorOutput.println("No more warnings will be displayed");
recoveryPolicy = Configuration.RECOVER_SILENTLY;
warningCount = 0;

* Receive notification of a recoverable error.
* <p/>
* <p>The transformer must continue to provide normal parsing events
* after invoking this method. It should still be possible for the
* application to process the document through to the end.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>The action of the standard error listener depends on the
* recovery policy that has been set, which may be one of RECOVER_SILENTLY,
* @param exception The error information encapsulated in a
* transformer exception.
* @throws TransformerException if the application
* chooses to discontinue the transformation.
* @see TransformerException

public void error(TransformerException exception) throws TransformerException {
if (recoveryPolicy == Configuration.RECOVER_SILENTLY && !(exception instanceof ValidationException)) {
// do nothing
if (errorOutput == null) {
// can happen after deserialization
errorOutput = System.err;
String message;
if (exception instanceof ValidationException) {
String explanation = getExpandedMessage(exception);
String constraintReference = ((ValidationException)exception).getConstraintReferenceMessage();
if (constraintReference != null) {
explanation += " (" + constraintReference + ')';
message = "Validation error " +
getLocationMessage(exception) +
"\n " +
} else {
String prefix = (recoveryPolicy == Configuration.RECOVER_WITH_WARNINGS ?
"Recoverable error " : "Error ");
message = prefix + getLocationMessage(exception) +
"\n " +

if (exception instanceof ValidationException) {

} else if (recoveryPolicy == Configuration.RECOVER_WITH_WARNINGS) {
if (warningCount > 25) {
errorOutput.println("No more warnings will be displayed");
recoveryPolicy = Configuration.RECOVER_SILENTLY;
warningCount = 0;
} else {
errorOutput.println("Processing terminated because error recovery is disabled");
throw XPathException.makeXPathException(exception);

* Receive notification of a non-recoverable error.
* <p/>
* <p>The application must assume that the transformation cannot
* continue after the Transformer has invoked this method,
* and should continue (if at all) only to collect
* addition error messages. In fact, Transformers are free
* to stop reporting events once this method has been invoked.</p>
* @param exception The error information encapsulated in a
* transformer exception.
* @throws TransformerException if the application
* chooses to discontinue the transformation.
* @see TransformerException

public void fatalError(TransformerException exception) throws TransformerException {
if (exception instanceof XPathException && ((XPathException)exception).hasBeenReported()) {
// don't report the same error twice
if (errorOutput == null) {
// can happen after deserialization
errorOutput = System.err;
String message;
if (exception instanceof ValidationException) {
String explanation = getExpandedMessage(exception);
String constraintReference = ((ValidationException)exception).getConstraintReferenceMessage();
if (constraintReference != null) {
explanation += " (" + constraintReference + ')';
message = "Validation error " +
getLocationMessage(exception) +
"\n " +
} else {
message = "Error " +
getLocationMessage(exception) +
"\n " +


if (exception instanceof XPathException) {
// probably redundant. It's the caller's job to set this flag, because there might be
// a non-standard error listener in use.

if (exception instanceof XPathException) {
XPathContext context = ((XPathException)exception).getXPathContext();
if (context != null && getRecoveryPolicy() != Configuration.RECOVER_SILENTLY) {
outputStackTrace(errorOutput, context);

* Generate a stack trace. This method is protected so it can be overridden in a subclass.
* @param out the destination for the stack trace
* @param context the context (which holds the information to be output)

protected void outputStackTrace(PrintStream out, XPathContext context) {
printStackTrace(out, context);

* Get a string identifying the location of an error.
* @param err the exception containing the location information
* @return a message string describing the location

public String getLocationMessage(TransformerException err) {
SourceLocator loc = err.getLocator();
while (loc == null) {
if (err.getException() instanceof TransformerException) {
err = (TransformerException)err.getException();
loc = err.getLocator();
} else if (err.getCause() instanceof TransformerException) {
err = (TransformerException)err.getCause();
loc = err.getLocator();
} else {
return "";
return getLocationMessageText(loc);

private static String getLocationMessageText(SourceLocator loc) {
String locMessage = "";
String systemId = null;
NodeInfo node = null;
String path = null;
String nodeMessage = null;
int lineNumber = -1;
if (loc instanceof DOMLocator) {
nodeMessage = "at " + ((DOMLocator)loc).getOriginatingNode().getNodeName() + ' ';
} else if (loc instanceof NodeInfo) {
node = (NodeInfo)loc;
nodeMessage = "at " + node.getDisplayName() + ' ';
} else if (loc instanceof ValidationException && (node = ((ValidationException)loc).getNode()) != null) {
nodeMessage = "at " + node.getDisplayName() + ' ';
} else if (loc instanceof ValidationException && (path = ((ValidationException)loc).getPath()) != null) {
nodeMessage = "at " + path + ' ';
} else if (loc instanceof Instruction) {
String instructionName = getInstructionName(((Instruction)loc));
if (!"".equals(instructionName)) {
nodeMessage = "at " + instructionName + ' ';
systemId = loc.getSystemId();
lineNumber = loc.getLineNumber();
} else if (loc instanceof Procedure) {
String kind = "procedure";
if (loc instanceof UserFunction) {
kind = "function";
} else if (loc instanceof Template) {
kind = "template";
} else if (loc instanceof AttributeSet) {
kind = "attribute-set";
} else if (loc instanceof KeyDefinition) {
kind = "key";
systemId = loc.getSystemId();
lineNumber = loc.getLineNumber();
nodeMessage = "at " + kind + " ";
StructuredQName name = ((InstructionInfo)loc).getObjectName();
if (name != null) {
nodeMessage += name.toString();
nodeMessage += " ";
if (lineNumber == -1) {
lineNumber = loc.getLineNumber();
boolean containsLineNumber = lineNumber != -1;
if (node != null && !containsLineNumber) {
nodeMessage = "at " + Navigator.getPath(node) + ' ';
if (nodeMessage != null) {
locMessage += nodeMessage;
if (containsLineNumber) {
locMessage += "on line " + lineNumber + ' ';
if (loc.getColumnNumber() != -1) {
locMessage += "column " + loc.getColumnNumber() + ' ';
if (systemId != null && systemId.length() == 0) {
systemId = null;
if (systemId == null) {
systemId = loc.getSystemId();
if (systemId != null && systemId.length() != 0) {
locMessage += (containsLineNumber ? "of " : "in ") + abbreviatePath(systemId) + ':';
return locMessage;

* Abbreviate a URI (if requested)
* @param uri the URI to be abbreviated
* @return the abbreviated URI, unless full path names were requested, in which case
* the URI as supplied

/*@Nullable*/ public static String abbreviatePath(String uri) {
if (uri == null) {
return null;
int slash = uri.lastIndexOf('/');
if (slash >= 0 && slash < uri.length()-1) {
return uri.substring(slash+1);
} else {
return uri;

* Get a string containing the message for this exception and all contained exceptions
* @param err the exception containing the required information
* @return a message that concatenates the message of this exception with its contained exceptions,
* also including information about the error code and location.

public static String getExpandedMessage(TransformerException err) {

StructuredQName qCode = null;
String additionalLocationText = null;
if (err instanceof XPathException) {
qCode = ((XPathException)err).getErrorCodeQName();
additionalLocationText = ((XPathException)err).getAdditionalLocationText();
if (qCode == null && err.getException() instanceof XPathException) {
qCode = ((XPathException)err.getException()).getErrorCodeQName();
String message = "";
if (qCode != null) {
if (qCode.getURI().equals(NamespaceConstant.ERR)) {
message = qCode.getLocalPart();
} else {
message = qCode.getDisplayName();

if (additionalLocationText != null) {
message += " " + additionalLocationText;

Throwable e = err;
while (true) {
if (e == null) {
String next = e.getMessage();
if (next == null) {
next = "";
if (next.startsWith("net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: ")) {
next = next.substring(next.indexOf(": ") + 2);
if (!("TRaX Transform Exception".equals(next) || message.endsWith(next))) {
if (!"".equals(message) && !message.trim().endsWith(":")) {
message += ": ";
message += next;
if (e instanceof TransformerException) {
e = ((TransformerException)e).getException();
} else if (e instanceof SAXException) {
e = ((SAXException)e).getException();
} else {
// e.printStackTrace();

return message;

* Extract a name identifying the instruction at which an error occurred
* @param inst the provider of information
* @return the name of the containing instruction or expression, in user-meaningful terms

private static String getInstructionName(Instruction inst) {
try {
//InstructionInfo info = inst.getInstructionInfo();
int construct = inst.getInstructionNameCode();
if (construct < 0) {
return "";
if (construct < 1024 &&
construct != StandardNames.XSL_FUNCTION &&
construct != StandardNames.XSL_TEMPLATE) {
// it's a standard name
if (inst.getExecutable().getHostLanguage() == Configuration.XSLT) {
return StandardNames.getDisplayName(construct);
} else {
String s = StandardNames.getDisplayName(construct);
int colon = s.indexOf(':');
if (colon > 0) {
String local = s.substring(colon + 1);
if (local.equals("document")) {
return "document node constructor";
} else if (local.equals("text") || s.equals("value-of")) {
return "text node constructor";
} else if (local.equals("element")) {
return "computed element constructor";
} else if (local.equals("attribute")) {
return "computed attribute constructor";
} else if (local.equals("variable")) {
return "variable declaration";
} else if (local.equals("param")) {
return "external variable declaration";
} else if (local.equals("comment")) {
return "comment constructor";
} else if (local.equals("processing-instruction")) {
return "processing-instruction constructor";
} else if (local.equals("namespace")) {
return "namespace node constructor";
return s;
switch (construct) {
StructuredQName qName = inst.getObjectName();
return "element constructor <" + qName.getDisplayName() + '>';
StructuredQName qName = inst.getObjectName();
return "attribute constructor " + qName.getDisplayName() + "=\"{...}\"";

return "";

} catch (Exception err) {
return "";

* Wordwrap an error message into lines of 72 characters or less (if possible)
* @param message the message to be word-wrapped
* @return the message after applying word-wrapping

private static String wordWrap(String message) {
message= message.substring(0, 1000);
int nl = message.indexOf('\n');
if (nl < 0) {
nl = message.length();
if (nl > 100) {
int i = 90;
while (message.charAt(i) != ' ' && i > 0) {
if (i > 10) {
return message.substring(0, i) + "\n " + wordWrap(message.substring(i + 1));
} else {
return message;
} else if (nl < message.length()) {
return message.substring(0, nl) + '\n' + wordWrap(message.substring(nl + 1));
} else {
return message;

* Print a stack trace to a specified output destination
* @param out the print stream to which the stack trace will be output
* @param context the XPath dynamic execution context (which holds the head of a linked
* list of context objects, representing the execution stack)

public static void printStackTrace(PrintStream out, XPathContext context) {
Iterator<ContextStackFrame> iterator = new ContextStackIterator(context);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
ContextStackFrame frame =;


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