



Price Structure Change

Revised price structure for individual Saxon-EE licenses
Added by O'Neil Delpratt almost 4 years ago

For some years we have offered online purchasers the option of buying a single Saxon Enterprise Edition license (product code EE001) at £360, with additional licenses (code EE002) offered at a reduced price of £180. In addition we have offered reduced-cost licenses EET01 (which excludes XQuery-related functionality), EEQ01 (which excludes XSLT-related functionality), and EEV01 (which excludes both).

Navigating your way around the online shop to select these options has never been easy. The software that we now use to create the online shop offers better ways of configuring our product offerings which we haven't been fully exploiting. From 1st December 2020 we will therefore be switching to a new product structure for individual Enterprise Edition licenses:

There will be a single product code that you order.

The headline price for a single license remains at £360 (you can also choose to pay in Euros or US Dollars).

If you choose to buy multiple licenses, the price per license drops to £300 when you buy 2 to 4 licenses, £270 if you buy 5, or £240 if you buy 6 or more.

You can get a 20% saving by excluding XSLT-related functionality, and/or 20% by excluding XQuery-related functionality The standard purchase gives you upgrade and support rights for one year from the date of purchase. You can increase this to two years (premium +50%) or 5 years (premium +150%).

These changes keep the base price for a single license unchanged. The discount for multiple licenses is reduced (for example, buying 5 licenses now costs £1350, compared with £1080 previously), and the discount for choosing reduced functionality is also reduced. But the cost over 2 or 5 years comes down if you choose to extend your upgrade and support rights up front.

The same prices will apply if you order offline via a corporate purchase order.

The price of other licenses (including Professional Edition, site licenses, and redistribution licenses) is unaffected for the time being. We will review these in due course.

We will no longer be accepting purchase orders for individual Professional Edition licenses; these will be available only through the online shop. Site licenses and redistribution licenses for Professional Edition remain available, and can be bought using a corporate purchase order.


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Price changes

Price changes on the online shop
Added by Michael Kay over 8 years ago

List prices for Saxonica's products have been increased today (24 June 2016), in most cases by 20%. This is the first price change since November 2008. During that period the UK retail price index has increased by 22%.

The immediate trigger for the change is of course the volatility in the currency markets caused by the UK's decision to leave the European Union. Saxonica is based in the UK and sets its prices in GBP, but over 90% of our business comes from outside the UK, and many of our contracts with long-term customers are priced in USD or EUR. We don't want to be in the position where these customers are locked into a price that is higher than the price paid by new clients, and an increase in our list prices also reduces our exposure to the uncertainties of rapidly fluctuating currency rates.

Existing contracts, quotations, and invoices will of course be honoured whatever currency they are written in.

We do not expect the UK's decision to leave the EU to have any adverse effect on our business, other than the short-term problems caused by uncertainty and speculation. We have always traded globally, and we have never found that doing business with EU countries is significantly easier (or harder) than with any other country in the world. We benefit greatly from a world in which there are no trade barriers, but our business is global rather than regional.

Release announcements (77 comments)

Announcements of Saxonica product releases
Added by Community Admin over 11 years ago

To receive notification of new Saxon product releases, click on "Watch" (a five-pointed star, top-right of screen)

This news item is used only for routine announcement of new major and minor releases of the software.

For the latest announcements, please scroll to the bottom.


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