import com.icl.saxon.Context;
import com.icl.saxon.expr.Expression;
import com.icl.saxon.style.StyleElement;
public class CheckAvailabilityElement extends StyleElement
//some other methods//
public void process(final Context aContext) throws BusinessException
boolean result = true;
final String availabilityString =
evaluateExpressionAsString(this.availability, aContext, false);
// some additional logic
protected String evaluateExpressionAsString(
final Expression anExpression, final Context aContext, final boolean isRequired)
throws BusinessException
// The expression may be null if and only if optional flag has been specified
if (anExpression == null)
if (isRequired)
final String message = "Null expression is not allowed";
//If the expression is null, then throw error
final BusinessException exception = styleError(message);
throw exception;
return null;
// Evaluate the expression
final String result;
result = anExpression.evaluateAsString(aContext);
catch (final XPathException anException)
final String message = "Error evaluating expression";
throw new BusinessException(message, this, anException);
// Check for empty or null results
if ((result == null) || (result.length()) == 0)
if (isRequired)
final String message =
"Required expression evaluated to an empty value: " + anExpression.toString();
final BusinessException exception = styleError(message);
throw exception;
return null;
return result;
//some other methods//