


Bug #4444 » SP-Test1-VALID.xml

Test XML - Jordan Padams, 2020-01-28 21:21

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>

This test label exercises:
o Uniformly_Sampled bins for an array spectrum
o Spectral_Lookup referencing a data object within the same product
o Spectral_Lookup referencing a Field within a spectral Table object
o Axis_Bin_Set being used to define bins for a 3D spectral image stack
o Uniformly_Sampled rows in a spectral Table object ("Telescope spectrum")
o Axis_Bin_Set fields in tabulated spectra, with unknown bin widths
o Unknown bin widths in a Spectral_Lookup referencing an external product

Note that these examples are neither exhaustive nor exclusive. Any Table-type object,
for example, can hold a 1D spectrum of any spectral_bin_type; other bin-definition
methods (Uniformly_Sampled, etc.) may be used to define bins for tabulated spectra.

<Product_Observational xmlns=""
<title>Test Label 1 for Spectral Dictionary - Valid Label</title>
<start_date_time xsi:nil="true" nilReason="inapplicable"/>
<stop_date_time xsi:nil="true" nilReason="inapplicable"/>
<type>Individual Investigation</type>
<!-- Uniformly Sampled Array Axis -->
<sp:net_integration_time unit="s">100</sp:net_integration_time>
This FOV in this case is a simple slit.
<sp:width_angle unit="deg">0.01</sp:width_angle>
<sp:length_angle unit="deg">0.1</sp:length_angle>
<sp:celestial_north_position_angle unit="deg">47.6</sp:celestial_north_position_angle>
<sp:body_positive_pole_position_angle unit="deg">90</sp:body_positive_pole_position_angle>
Bin widths are FWHM as described in the instrument documentation.
<sp:sampling_interval_wavelength unit="nm">100</sp:sampling_interval_wavelength>
<sp:bin_width_wavelength unit="nm">100</sp:bin_width_wavelength>
<sp:first_center_wavelength unit="nm">3550</sp:first_center_wavelength>
<sp:last_center_wavelength unit="nm">3600</sp:last_center_wavelength>
<!-- Spectral Lookup for 3D spectra, internal -->
<sp:net_integration_time unit="s">10</sp:net_integration_time>
<sp:resolution_limit_frequency unit="Hz">1</sp:resolution_limit_frequency>
This FOV is circular.
<sp:diameter_angle unit="deg">0.05</sp:diameter_angle>
Bin centers and widths are specified as part of the mission documentation,
specifically in the detector specifications [usually there would be some
sort of reference here].
<!-- Spectral Lookup for 1D spectrum (table), in Table fields -->
The spectral bin centers are included in the table in the named field. In
this case, FWHM values are also included in the table as a separate field.
Table field classes must have 'name' attributes (although these are not
currently required to be unique).
<sp:net_integration_time unit="s">20</sp:net_integration_time>
<sp:resolution_limit_wavelength unit="nm">5</sp:resolution_limit_wavelength>
This field of view is not a regular shape. Typically this should be
described in some detail in a document that is referenced within this
class (we'll assume one exists in this case as a demonstration). For
example, the Alice spectrometer on New Horizons has a "lollipop" shaped
slit. I don't know the actual dimensions of that slit, so the
description below is fake. This description would specify that the
'width' indicated here is for the widest part of the slit, for example.
<sp:width_angle unit="arcsec">10</sp:width_angle>
<sp:length_angle unit="arcsec">100</sp:length_angle>
<sp:celestial_north_position_angle unit="deg">70</sp:celestial_north_position_angle>
This document provides both a diagram and specific physical
measurements of the lollipop-shaped slit.
Bin widths indicated in the table are those listed in the manufacturer's
<sp:bin_center_field_name>Center Wavelength</sp:bin_center_field_name>
<!-- Bin Definitions using Axis_Bin_Set -->
The spectrum in this case is a shallow cube - only three bands corresponding
to Red, Green, and Blue.
<sp:net_integration_time unit="s">1</sp:net_integration_time>
<sp:resolution_limit_wavenumber unit="1/nm">100</sp:resolution_limit_wavenumber>
This FOV is square aligned with the image.
<sp:width_angle unit="arcsec">20</sp:width_angle>
<sp:length_angle unit="arcsec">20</sp:length_angle>
<sp:body_positive_pole_position_angle unit="deg">0</sp:body_positive_pole_position_angle>
Bin profiles were determined during ground-testing with known sources.
<sp:center_wavenumber unit="1/cm">0.1</sp:center_wavenumber>
<sp:bin_width_wavenumber unit="1/cm">0.035</sp:bin_width_wavenumber>
<sp:center_wavenumber unit="1/cm">0.15</sp:center_wavenumber>
<sp:bin_width_wavenumber unit="1/cm">0.2</sp:bin_width_wavenumber>
<sp:center_wavenumber unit="1/cm">0.35</sp:center_wavenumber>
<sp:bin_width_wavenumber unit="1/cm">0.3</sp:bin_width_wavenumber>
<!-- Telescope Spectrum, uniformly sampled bins -->
This is a linear spectrum - presented as a table where each point in the spectrum
(usually along with associated information) is contained in a single row of the table.
In this case it is necessary to specify the name of the field that contains the actual
measured datum.
<sp:net_integration_time unit="s">10</sp:net_integration_time>
<sp:resolution_limit_wavelength unit="micrometer">10</sp:resolution_limit_wavelength>
Tbe FOV is a simple slit.
<sp:width_angle unit="deg">0.01</sp:width_angle>
<sp:length_angle unit="deg">0.06</sp:length_angle>
<sp:celestial_north_position_angle unit="deg">23</sp:celestial_north_position_angle>
Bin centers and bandpasses included in the table were copied from the
instrument manual.
<sp:sampling_interval_wavelength unit="nm">100</sp:sampling_interval_wavelength>
<sp:bin_width_wavelength unit="nm">10</sp:bin_width_wavelength>
<sp:first_center_wavelength unit="nm">350</sp:first_center_wavelength>
<sp:last_center_wavelength unit="nm">480</sp:last_center_wavelength>

<!-- Axis_Bin_Set for fields in tabulated spectra, with unknown bin widths -->
<sp:description>Simple circular aperture</sp:description>
<sp:diameter_angle unit="arcsec">10</sp:diameter_angle>
Bin centers are taken from the label on the filter holders; bin widths are not known.
<sp:center_wavenumber unit="1/nm">0.00333</sp:center_wavenumber>
<sp:bin_width_wavenumber unit="1/nm" xsi:nil="true" nilReason="unknown"/>
<sp:center_wavenumber unit="1/nm">0.00400</sp:center_wavenumber>
<sp:bin_width_wavenumber unit="1/nm" xsi:nil="true" nilReason="unknown"/>
<sp:center_wavenumber unit="1/nm">0.00500</sp:center_wavenumber>
<sp:bin_width_wavenumber unit="1/nm" xsi:nil="true" nilReason="unknown"/>
<sp:center_wavenumber unit="1/nm">0.00667</sp:center_wavenumber>
<sp:bin_width_wavenumber unit="1/nm" xsi:nil="true" nilReason="unknown"/>
<!-- Unknown bin widths in a Spectral_Lookup referencing an external product-->
<sp:description>Simple square field of view</sp:description>
<sp:width_angle unit="arcsec">5</sp:width_angle>
<sp:length_angle unit="arcsec">5</sp:length_angle>
Bin centers were determined during initial calibration and reported
in the referenced document.
Bin widths are as yet unknown, but are expected to be provided as part
final calibration.
<sp:bin_width_frequency unit="Hz" xsi:nil="true" nilReason="unknown"/>
<!-- 2D Spectrum -->
<offset unit="byte">0</offset>
<axis_index_order>Last Index Fastest</axis_index_order>
<!-- Spectral Cube -->
<offset unit="byte">1000</offset>
<axis_index_order>Last Index Fastest</axis_index_order>
<!-- Bin centers Map for spectral cube -->
<offset unit="byte">1</offset>
<axis_index_order>Last Index Fastest</axis_index_order>
<!-- Bin width map for specral cube -->
<offset unit="byte">1</offset>
<axis_index_order>Last Index Fastest</axis_index_order>
<!-- Shallow spectral cube with separately defined bins ("planes") -->
<offset unit="byte">3</offset>
<axis_index_order>Last Index Fastest</axis_index_order>
<axis_name>Right Ascension</axis_name>
<!-- 1D Spectral Table -->
<offset unit="byte">4</offset>
This is just one of many possible structures for a set of
spectra in tabulated format.
<record_delimiter>Carriage-Return Line-Feed</record_delimiter>
<record_length unit="byte">50</record_length>
<field_location unit="byte">1</field_location>
<field_length unit="byte">5</field_length>
<field_location unit="byte">6</field_location>
<field_length unit="byte">4</field_length>
<name>Center Wavelength</name>
<field_location unit="byte">12</field_location>
<field_length unit="byte">4</field_length>
<field_location unit="byte">20</field_location>
<field_length unit="byte">6</field_length>
<!-- Tabulated-Flat Spectra -->
<name>Flat Spectra Table</name>
<offset unit="byte">0</offset>
In this format, each row of the table contains a single spectrum, and the fields (columns) are defined without
the use of "Group_Field" classes. This spectrum has only 4 points, and the bin parameters will be specified
as part of the Spectral Characteristics.
<record_delimiter>Carriage-Return Line-Feed</record_delimiter>
<record_length unit="byte">82</record_length>
<name>Target Name</name>
<field_location unit="byte">1</field_location>
<field_length unit="byte">19</field_length>
<name>Point 1 Value</name>
<field_location unit="byte">20</field_location>
<field_length unit="byte">4</field_length>
<name>Point 2 Value</name>
<field_location unit="byte">35</field_location>
<field_length unit="byte">4</field_length>
<name>Point 3 Value</name>
<field_location unit="byte">50</field_location>
<field_length unit="byte">4</field_length>
<name>Point 4 Value</name>
<field_location unit="byte">65</field_location>
<field_length unit="byte">4</field_length>