


Bug #4556 » bug4556.xquery

Gunther Rademacher, 2020-05-17 22:03

xquery version "1.0" encoding "UTF-8";

(: This file was generated on Sun May 17, 2020 21:59 (UTC+02) by REx v5.50 which is Copyright (c) 1979-2020 by Gunther Rademacher <> :)
(: REx command line: -backtrack -xquery -a xq -tree bug4556.ebnf :)

(: line 1 "bug4556.ebnf" :)
declare namespace p="bug4556";
(: line 9 "bug4556.xquery" :)
: The index of the lexer state for accessing the combined
: (i.e. level > 1) lookahead code.
declare variable $p:lk as xs:integer := 1;

: The index of the lexer state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the begin of the token that has been consumed.
declare variable $p:b0 as xs:integer := 2;

: The index of the lexer state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the end of the token that has been consumed.
declare variable $p:e0 as xs:integer := 3;

: The index of the lexer state for accessing the code of the
: level-1-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:l1 as xs:integer := 4;

: The index of the lexer state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the begin of the level-1-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:b1 as xs:integer := 5;

: The index of the lexer state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the end of the level-1-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:e1 as xs:integer := 6;

: The index of the lexer state for accessing the code of the
: level-2-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:l2 as xs:integer := 7;

: The index of the lexer state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the begin of the level-2-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:b2 as xs:integer := 8;

: The index of the lexer state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the end of the level-2-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:e2 as xs:integer := 9;

: The index of the lexer state for accessing the code of the
: level-3-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:l3 as xs:integer := 10;

: The index of the lexer state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the begin of the level-3-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:b3 as xs:integer := 11;

: The index of the lexer state for accessing the position in the
: input string of the end of the level-3-lookahead token.
declare variable $p:e3 as xs:integer := 12;

: The index of the lexer state for accessing the token code that
: was expected when an error was found.
declare variable $p:error as xs:integer := 13;

: The index of the lexer state for accessing the memoization
: of backtracking results.
declare variable $p:memo as xs:integer := 14;

: The index of the lexer state that points to the first entry
: used for collecting action results.
declare variable $p:result as xs:integer := 15;

: The codepoint to charclass mapping for 7 bit codepoints.
declare variable $p:MAP0 as xs:integer+ :=
12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
5, 4, 4, 4, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 9, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 4, 11, 4, 4

: The codepoint to charclass mapping for codepoints below the surrogate block.
declare variable $p:MAP1 as xs:integer+ :=
54, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62,
62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 126, 140, 156,
171, 168, 187, 168, 201, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140,
140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140,
140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 12,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4,
4, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 9, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 10, 4, 11, 4, 4

: The token-set-id to DFA-initial-state mapping.
declare variable $p:INITIAL as xs:integer+ :=
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

: The DFA transition table.
declare variable $p:TRANSITION as xs:integer+ :=
95, 95, 95, 95, 116, 117, 64, 95, 80, 81, 70, 95, 52, 52, 56, 68, 95, 95, 56, 68, 95, 95, 74, 62, 90, 85, 56, 68, 96,
97, 56, 68, 94, 95, 88, 68, 95, 95, 109, 68, 102, 101, 59, 77, 95, 95, 59, 106, 95, 113, 95, 95, 72, 72, 72, 72, 12,
14, 0, 12, 0, 0, 12, 14, 0, 0, 80, 0, 13, 14, 0, 0, 11, 0, 13, 14, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 11, 11, 11, 0, 0, 112, 112, 0, 14,
0, 0, 112, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 13, 48, 0, 0, 14, 0, 32, 96, 96, 0, 0, 80, 80, 80, 0

: The DFA-state to expected-token-set mapping.
declare variable $p:EXPECTED as xs:integer+ :=
14, 28, 88, 152, 60, 124, 220, 8, 2, 4, 16, 2, 2, 4

: The token-string table.
declare variable $p:TOKEN as xs:string+ :=

: Match next token in input string, starting at given index, using
: the DFA entry state for the set of tokens that are expected in
: the current context.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $begin the index where to start in input string.
: @param $token-set the expected token set id.
: @return a sequence of three: the token code of the result token,
: with input string begin and end positions. If there is no valid
: token, return the negative id of the DFA state that failed, along
: with begin and end positions of the longest viable prefix.
declare function p:match($input as xs:string,
$begin as xs:integer,
$token-set as xs:integer) as xs:integer+
let $result := $p:INITIAL[1 + $token-set]
return p:transition($input,
$result mod 16,

: The DFA state transition function. If we are in a valid DFA state, save
: it's result annotation, consume one input codepoint, calculate the next
: state, and use tail recursion to do the same again. Otherwise, return
: any valid result or a negative DFA state id in case of an error.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $begin the begin index of the current token in the input string.
: @param $current the index of the current position in the input string.
: @param $end the end index of the result in the input string.
: @param $result the result code.
: @param $current-state the current DFA state.
: @param $previous-state the previous DFA state.
: @return a sequence of three: the token code of the result token,
: with input string begin and end positions. If there is no valid
: token, return the negative id of the DFA state that failed, along
: with begin and end positions of the longest viable prefix.
declare function p:transition($input as xs:string,
$begin as xs:integer,
$current as xs:integer,
$end as xs:integer,
$result as xs:integer,
$current-state as xs:integer,
$previous-state as xs:integer)
if ($current-state eq 0) then
let $result := $result idiv 16
let $end := if ($end gt string-length($input)) then string-length($input) + 1 else $end
if ($result ne 0) then
$result - 1,
- $previous-state,
$current - 1
let $c0 := (string-to-codepoints(substring($input, $current, 1)), 0)[1]
let $c1 :=
if ($c0 < 128) then
$p:MAP0[1 + $c0]
else if ($c0 < 55296) then
let $c1 := $c0 idiv 16
let $c2 := $c1 idiv 64
return $p:MAP1[1 + $c0 mod 16 + $p:MAP1[1 + $c1 mod 64 + $p:MAP1[1 + $c2]]]
let $current := $current + 1
let $i0 := 16 * $c1 + $current-state - 1
let $i1 := $i0 idiv 4
let $next-state := $p:TRANSITION[$i0 mod 4 + $p:TRANSITION[$i1 + 1] + 1]
if ($next-state > 15) then
p:transition($input, $begin, $current, $current, $next-state, $next-state mod 16, $current-state)
p:transition($input, $begin, $current, $end, $result, $next-state, $current-state)

: Recursively translate one 32-bit chunk of an expected token bitset
: to the corresponding sequence of token strings.
: @param $result the result of previous recursion levels.
: @param $chunk the 32-bit chunk of the expected token bitset.
: @param $base-token-code the token code of bit 0 in the current chunk.
: @return the set of token strings.
declare function p:token($result as xs:string*,
$chunk as xs:integer,
$base-token-code as xs:integer)
if ($chunk = 0) then
($result, if ($chunk mod 2 != 0) then $p:TOKEN[$base-token-code] else ()),
if ($chunk < 0) then $chunk idiv 2 + 2147483648 else $chunk idiv 2,
$base-token-code + 1

: Calculate expected token set for a given DFA state as a sequence
: of strings.
: @param $state the DFA state.
: @return the set of token strings.
declare function p:expected-token-set($state as xs:integer) as xs:string*
if ($state > 0) then
for $t in 0 to 0
let $i0 := $t * 14 + $state - 1
return p:token((), $p:EXPECTED[$i0 + 1], $t * 32 + 1)

: Parse the 1st loop of production nl (one or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the lexer state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:parse-nl-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+)
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:consume(4, $input, $state) (: NewLine :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(4, $input, $state) (: SetName | Whitespace_Ch | NewLine | EOF :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 4) then (: NewLine :)
p:parse-nl-1($input, $state)

: Parse nl.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:parse-nl($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-nl-1($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "nl", $count, $begin, $end)

: Parse Set_Item.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:parse-Set_Item($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 1) then (: SetLiteral :)
let $state := p:consume(1, $input, $state) (: SetLiteral :)
return $state
let $state := p:consume(2, $input, $state) (: SetName :)
return $state
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "Set_Item", $count, $begin, $end)

: Try parsing Set_Item.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:try-Set_Item($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] = 1) then (: SetLiteral :)
let $state := p:consumeT(1, $input, $state) (: SetLiteral :)
return $state
let $state := p:consumeT(2, $input, $state) (: SetName :)
return $state
return $state

: Parse the 1st loop of production Set_Exp (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the lexer state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:parse-Set_Exp-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+)
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(2, $input, $state) (: Whitespace_Ch | NewLine | '+' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:l1] eq 4) then (: NewLine :)
let $state := p:lookahead2W(5, $input, $state) (: SetName | Whitespace_Ch | NewLine | EOF | '+' :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:lk] eq 68) then (: NewLine NewLine :)
let $state := p:lookahead3W(5, $input, $state) (: SetName | Whitespace_Ch | NewLine | EOF | '+' :)
return $state
return $state
($state[$p:l1], subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1))
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:lk] = 1092) then (: NewLine NewLine NewLine :)
let $state := p:memoized($state, 0)
if ($state[$p:lk] != 0) then
let $backtrack := $state
let $state := p:strip-result($state)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
p:try-nl_opt($input, $state)
let $state := p:consumeT(6, $input, $state) (: '+' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(0, $input, $state) (: SetLiteral | SetName | Whitespace_Ch :)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
p:try-Set_Item($input, $state)
if (not($state[$p:error])) then
p:memoize($backtrack, $state, 0, $backtrack[$p:e0], -1, -1)
p:memoize($backtrack, $state, 0, $backtrack[$p:e0], -2, -2)
if ($state[$p:lk] != -1
and $state[$p:lk] != 6 (: '+' :)
and $state[$p:lk] != 100 (: NewLine '+' :)
and $state[$p:lk] != 1604) then (: NewLine NewLine '+' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
p:parse-nl_opt($input, $state)
let $state := p:consume(6, $input, $state) (: '+' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(0, $input, $state) (: SetLiteral | SetName | Whitespace_Ch :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
p:parse-Set_Item($input, $state)
return p:parse-Set_Exp-1($input, $state)

: Parse Set_Exp.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:parse-Set_Exp($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
p:parse-Set_Item($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Set_Exp-1($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "Set_Exp", $count, $begin, $end)

: Parse Set_Decl.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:parse-Set_Decl($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:consume(2, $input, $state) (: SetName :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(3, $input, $state) (: Whitespace_Ch | NewLine | '=' :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
p:parse-nl_opt($input, $state)
let $state := p:consume(7, $input, $state) (: '=' :)
let $state := p:lookahead1W(0, $input, $state) (: SetLiteral | SetName | Whitespace_Ch :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
p:parse-Set_Exp($input, $state)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
p:parse-nl($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "Set_Decl", $count, $begin, $end)

: Parse the 1st loop of production nl_opt (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the lexer state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:parse-nl_opt-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+)
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(6, $input, $state) (: SetName | Whitespace_Ch | NewLine | '+' | '=' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 4) then (: NewLine :)
let $state := p:consume(4, $input, $state) (: NewLine :)
return p:parse-nl_opt-1($input, $state)

: Try parsing the 1st loop of production nl_opt (zero or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the lexer state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:try-nl_opt-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+)
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:lookahead1W(6, $input, $state) (: SetName | Whitespace_Ch | NewLine | '+' | '=' :)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 4) then (: NewLine :)
let $state := p:consumeT(4, $input, $state) (: NewLine :)
return p:try-nl_opt-1($input, $state)

: Parse nl_opt.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:parse-nl_opt($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:parse-nl_opt-1($input, $state)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "nl_opt", $count, $begin, $end)

: Try parsing nl_opt.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:try-nl_opt($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $state := p:try-nl_opt-1($input, $state)
return $state

: Parse the 1st loop of production Grammar (one or more). Use
: tail recursion for iteratively updating the lexer state.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:parse-Grammar-1($input as xs:string, $state as item()+)
if ($state[$p:error]) then
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
p:parse-Set_Decl($input, $state)
if ($state[$p:l1] != 2) then (: SetName :)
p:parse-Grammar-1($input, $state)

: Parse Grammar.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:parse-Grammar($input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $count := count($state)
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $state := p:lookahead1W(1, $input, $state) (: SetName | Whitespace_Ch | NewLine :)
let $state := p:whitespace($input, $state)
let $state :=
if ($state[$p:error]) then
p:parse-nl_opt($input, $state)
let $state := p:parse-Grammar-1($input, $state)
let $state := p:consume(5, $input, $state) (: EOF :)
let $end := $state[$p:e0]
return p:reduce($state, "Grammar", $count, $begin, $end)

: Create a textual error message from a parsing error.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $error the parsing error descriptor.
: @return the error message.
declare function p:error-message($input as xs:string, $error as element(error)) as xs:string
let $begin := xs:integer($error/@b)
let $context := string-to-codepoints(substring($input, 1, $begin - 1))
let $linefeeds := index-of($context, 10)
let $line := count($linefeeds) + 1
let $column := ($begin - $linefeeds[last()], $begin)[1]
if ($error/@o) then
("syntax error, found ", $p:TOKEN[$error/@o + 1])
"lexical analysis failed",
"while expecting ",
if ($error/@x) then
$p:TOKEN[$error/@x + 1]
let $expected := p:expected-token-set($error/@s)
string-join($expected, ", "),
if ($error/@o or $error/@e = $begin) then
("after successfully scanning ", string($error/@e - $begin), " characters beginning "),
"at line ", string($line), ", column ", string($column), ":&#10;",
"...", substring($input, $begin, 64), "..."

: Consume one token, i.e. compare lookahead token 1 with expected
: token and in case of a match, shift lookahead tokens down such that
: l1 becomes the current token, and higher lookahead tokens move down.
: When lookahead token 1 does not match the expected token, raise an
: error by saving the expected token code in the error field of the
: lexer state.
: @param $code the expected token.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:consume($code as xs:integer, $input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] eq $code) then
subsequence($state, $p:l1, 9),
0, 0, 0,
subsequence($state, 13),
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $end := $state[$p:b1]
where $begin ne $end
substring($input, $begin, $end - $begin)
let $token := $p:TOKEN[1 + $state[$p:l1]]
let $name := if (starts-with($token, "'")) then "TOKEN" else $token
let $begin := $state[$p:b1]
let $end := $state[$p:e1]
element {$name}
substring($input, $begin, $end - $begin)
subsequence($state, 1, $p:error - 1),
element error
if ($state[$p:e1] < $state[$p:memo]/@e) then
attribute b {$state[$p:b1]},
attribute e {$state[$p:e1]},
if ($state[$p:l1] lt 0) then
attribute s {- $state[$p:l1]}
(attribute o {$state[$p:l1]}, attribute x {$code})
subsequence($state, $p:error + 1)

: Consume one token, i.e. compare lookahead token 1 with expected
: token and in case of a match, shift lookahead tokens down such that
: l1 becomes the current token, and higher lookahead tokens move down.
: When lookahead token 1 does not match the expected token, raise an
: error by saving the expected token code in the error field of the
: lexer state. In contrast to p:consume, do not create any output.
: @param $code the expected token.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:consumeT($code as xs:integer, $input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:error]) then
else if ($state[$p:l1] eq $code) then
subsequence($state, $p:l1, 9),
0, 0, 0,
subsequence($state, 13)
subsequence($state, 1, $p:error - 1),
element error
if ($state[$p:e1] < $state[$p:memo]/@e) then
attribute b {$state[$p:b1]},
attribute e {$state[$p:e1]},
if ($state[$p:l1] lt 0) then
attribute s {- $state[$p:l1]}
(attribute o {$state[$p:l1]}, attribute x {$code})
subsequence($state, $p:error + 1)

: Consume whitespace.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:whitespace($input as xs:string,
$state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:e0] = $state[$p:b1]) then
let $begin := $state[$p:e0]
let $end := $state[$p:b1]
subsequence($state, $p:e0 + 1),
substring($input, $begin, $end - $begin)

: Use p:match to fetch the next token, but skip any leading
: whitespace.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $begin the index where to start.
: @param $token-set the valid token set id.
: @return a sequence of three values: the token code of the result
: token, with input string positions of token begin and end.
declare function p:matchW($input as xs:string,
$begin as xs:integer,
$token-set as xs:integer)
let $match := p:match($input, $begin, $token-set)
if ($match[1] = 3) then (: Whitespace_Ch :)
p:matchW($input, $match[3], $token-set)

: Lookahead one token on level 1 with whitespace skipping.
: @param $set the code of the DFA entry state for the set of valid tokens.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:lookahead1W($set as xs:integer, $input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
if ($state[$p:l1] ne 0) then
let $match :=
p:matchW($input, $state[$p:e0], $set),
0, 0, 0
subsequence($state, $p:b0, 2),
subsequence($state, 10)

: Lookahead one token on level 2 with whitespace skipping.
: @param $set the code of the DFA entry state for the set of valid tokens.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:lookahead2W($set as xs:integer, $input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $match :=
if ($state[$p:l2] ne 0) then
subsequence($state, $p:l2, 6)
p:matchW($input, $state[$p:e1], $set),
0, 0, 0
$match[1] * 16 + $state[$p:l1],
subsequence($state, $p:b0, 5),
subsequence($state, 13)

: Lookahead one token on level 3 with whitespace skipping.
: @param $set the code of the DFA entry state for the set of valid tokens.
: @param $input the input string.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:lookahead3W($set as xs:integer, $input as xs:string, $state as item()+) as item()+
let $match :=
if ($state[$p:l3] ne 0) then
subsequence($state, $p:l3, 3)
p:matchW($input, $state[$p:e2], $set)
$match[1] * 256 + $state[$p:lk],
subsequence($state, $p:b0, 8),
subsequence($state, 13)

: Reduce the result stack, creating a nonterminal element. Pop
: $count elements off the stack, wrap them in a new element
: named $name, and push the new element.
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @param $name the name of the result node.
: @param $count the number of child nodes.
: @param $begin the input index where the nonterminal begins.
: @param $end the input index where the nonterminal ends.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:reduce($state as item()+, $name as xs:string, $count as xs:integer, $begin as xs:integer, $end as xs:integer) as item()+
subsequence($state, 1, $count),
element {$name}
subsequence($state, $count + 1)

: Strip result from lexer state, in order to avoid carrying it while
: backtracking.
: @param $state the lexer state after an alternative failed.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:strip-result($state as item()+) as item()+
subsequence($state, 1, $p:memo)

: Memoize the backtracking result that was computed at decision point
: $dpi for input position $e0. Reconstruct state from the parameters.
: @param $state the lexer state to be restored.
: @param $update the lexer state containing updates.
: @param $dpi the decision point id.
: @param $e0 the input position.
: @param $v the id of the successful alternative.
: @param $lk the new lookahead code.
: @return the reconstructed state.
declare function p:memoize($state as item()+,
$update as item()+,
$dpi as xs:integer,
$e0 as xs:integer,
$v as xs:integer,
$lk as xs:integer) as item()+
subsequence($state, $p:b0, $p:memo - $p:b0),
let $memo := $update[$p:memo]
let $errors := ($memo, $update[$p:error])[.]
element memo
$errors[@e = max($errors/xs:integer(@e))][last()]/@*,
element value {attribute key {$e0 * 1 + $dpi}, $v}
subsequence($state, $p:memo + 1)

: Retrieve memoized backtracking result for decision point $dpi
: and input position $state[$p:e0] into $state[$p:lk].
: @param $state lexer state, error indicator, and result stack.
: @param $dpi the decision point id.
: @return the updated state.
declare function p:memoized($state as item()+, $dpi as xs:integer) as item()+
let $value := data($state[$p:memo]/value[@key = $state[$p:e0] * 1 + $dpi])
if ($value) then $value else 0,
subsequence($state, $p:lk + 1)

: Parse start symbol Grammar from given string.
: @param $s the string to be parsed.
: @return the result as generated by parser actions.
declare function p:parse-Grammar($s as xs:string) as item()*
let $state := (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false(), <memo/>)
let $state := p:parse-Grammar($s, $state)
let $error := $state[$p:error]
if ($error) then
element ERROR {$error/@*, p:error-message($s, $error)}
subsequence($state, $p:result)

(: line 26 "bug4556.ebnf" :)
"{HT} = {#09}

{Whitespace} = {Space}

(: line 1035 "bug4556.xquery" :)
(: End :)