


Bug #3289 ยป

Class using concurrent map - William McCusker, 2017-06-19 20:30

// Copyright (c) 2015 Saxonica Limited.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
// If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at
// This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

package net.sf.saxon.functions;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;

import net.sf.saxon.Configuration;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticContext;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.RetainedStaticContext;
import net.sf.saxon.lib.NamespaceConstant;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.Err;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.SymbolicName;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;

* The SystemFunctionLibrary represents the collection of functions in the fn: namespace. That is, the
* functions defined in the "Functions and Operators" specification, optionally augmented by the additional
* functions defined in XSLT.

public class SystemFunctionLibrary implements FunctionLibrary {

private int functionSet;

private static ConcurrentMap<Integer, SystemFunctionLibrary> THE_INSTANCES =
new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, SystemFunctionLibrary>(3);

* Factory method to create or get a SystemFunctionLibrary
* @param functionSet determines the set of functions allowed. One or more of the bit settings
* {@link StandardFunction#CORE}, {@link StandardFunction#XSLT}, {@link StandardFunction#XQUPDATE}, etc
* @param config
* @return the appropriate SystemFunctionLibrary

public static SystemFunctionLibrary getSystemFunctionLibrary(int functionSet, Configuration config) {
SystemFunctionLibrary systemFunctionLibrary = THE_INSTANCES.get(functionSet);
if (systemFunctionLibrary != null) {
return systemFunctionLibrary;
systemFunctionLibrary = config.makeSystemFunctionLibrary(functionSet);
SystemFunctionLibrary existing = THE_INSTANCES.putIfAbsent(functionSet, systemFunctionLibrary);
if (existing != null) {
return existing;
return systemFunctionLibrary;

* Create a SystemFunctionLibrary
* @param functionSet determines the set of functions allowed. One or more of the bit settings
* {@link StandardFunction#CORE}, {@link StandardFunction#XSLT}, {@link StandardFunction#XQUPDATE}, etc

public SystemFunctionLibrary(int functionSet) {
this.functionSet = functionSet;

* Bind a system function, given the URI and local parts of the function name,
* and the list of expressions supplied as arguments. This method is called at compile
* time.
* @param symbolicName the name and arity of the function to be bound
* @param staticArgs The expressions supplied statically in the function call. The intention is
* that the static type of the arguments (obtainable via getItemType() and getCardinality() may
* be used as part of the binding algorithm.
* @param env The static context
* @return An object representing the function to be called, if one is found;
* null if no function was found matching the required name and arity.
* @throws net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException
* if a function is found with the required name and arity, but
* the implementation of the function cannot be loaded or used; or if an error occurs
* while searching for the function; or if this function library "owns" the namespace containing
* the function call, but no function was found.

public Expression bind(SymbolicName symbolicName, Expression[] staticArgs, StaticContext env)
throws XPathException {
StructuredQName functionName = symbolicName.getComponentName();
int arity = symbolicName.getArity();
String uri = functionName.getURI();
if (uri.equals(NamespaceConstant.FN)) {
RetainedStaticContext rsc = new RetainedStaticContext(env);
String local = functionName.getLocalPart();
if (arity == 2 && local.equals("string-join") && env.getXPathVersion() < 31) {
local = "_STRING-JOIN_2.0"; // Bug 2738
SystemFunction fn = makeSystemFunction(local, arity, functionSet);
Expression f = fn.makeFunctionCall(staticArgs);
return f;
} else {
return null;

public static SystemFunction makeSystemFunction(String local, int arity, int functionSet) throws XPathException {
StandardFunction.Entry entry = StandardFunction.getFunction(local, arity);
if (entry == null) {
if (StandardFunction.getFunction(local, -1) == null) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Unknown system function " + local + "()");
throw err;
} else {
XPathException err = new XPathException("System function " + local + "() cannot be called with "
+ pluralArguments(arity));
throw err;

if ((functionSet & entry.applicability) == 0) {
XPathException err = new XPathException(
"System function " + local + "#" + arity + " is not available with this host-language/version/license");
throw err;
Class functionClass = entry.implementationClass;
SystemFunction f;
try {
f = (SystemFunction) functionClass.newInstance();
} catch (Exception err) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to load system function fn:" + local + " - " + err.getMessage());
checkArgumentCount(arity, entry.minArguments, entry.maxArguments, local);
return f;

* Test whether a function with a given name and arity is available
* <p>This supports the function-available() function in XSLT.</p>
* @param functionName the qualified name of the function being called
* @return true if a function of this name and arity is available for calling
public boolean isAvailable(SymbolicName functionName) {
String uri = functionName.getComponentName().getURI();
if (uri.equals(NamespaceConstant.FN)) {
String local = functionName.getComponentName().getLocalPart();
StandardFunction.Entry entry = StandardFunction.getFunction(local, functionName.getArity());
return entry != null && (functionSet & entry.applicability) != 0 &&
entry.minArguments <= functionName.getArity() && entry.maxArguments >= functionName.getArity();
} else {
return false;

* Check number of arguments. <BR>
* A convenience routine for use in subclasses.
* @param numArgs the actual number of arguments (arity)
* @param min the minimum number of arguments allowed
* @param max the maximum number of arguments allowed
* @param local the local name of the function (for diagnostics)
* @return the actual number of arguments
* @throws net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException
* if the number of arguments is out of range

private static int checkArgumentCount(int numArgs, int min, int max, String local) throws XPathException {
if (min == max && numArgs != min) {
throw new XPathException("Function " + Err.wrap(local, Err.FUNCTION) + " must have "
+ pluralArguments(min), "XPST0017");
if (numArgs < min) {
throw new XPathException("Function " + Err.wrap(local, Err.FUNCTION) + " must have at least "
+ pluralArguments(min), "XPST0017");
if (numArgs > max) {
throw new XPathException("Function " + Err.wrap(local, Err.FUNCTION) + " must have no more than "
+ pluralArguments(max), "XPST0017");
return numArgs;

* Utility routine used in constructing error messages
* @param num the number of arguments
* @return the string " argument" or "arguments" depending whether num is plural

private static String pluralArguments(int num) {
if (num == 0) {
return "zero arguments";
if (num == 1) {
return "one argument";
return num + " arguments";

* This method creates a copy of a FunctionLibrary: if the original FunctionLibrary allows
* new functions to be added, then additions to this copy will not affect the original, or
* vice versa.
* @return a copy of this function library. This must be an instance of the original class.

public FunctionLibrary copy() {
return this;