When Saxon-CE was first announced, I was intrigued by the ideas put forward: in-browser XSLT2 and events. When I read your plans as detailed in your blog entry, I am again intrigued. You are single-handedly charting new territory where XSLT2/3 has equivalent programming power in the browser as JS. You want to be remunerated for these initiatives and their implementation, and rightly so.
I write my XSLT scripts as a hobby. Only a few times a year do I have a problem that is best solved by in-browser XSLT2. My income from it is at the low end of the up to $1m range. £500 is way out of my reach. Free is fine, but the limitation to 1 year makes my work on it unstable.
I prefer the model of the Oxygen editor. I pay for it, and I have it, indefinitely. If I choose to pay a yearly fee for updates, I get updates. If I stop paying, I have what I paid for last time.
Without the prospect of having the current version indefinitely, I am not going to write any work that runs on it.