Unexpected end of file when running batch
Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago
Legacy ID: #10616159 Legacy Poster: Ron Zito (pronaldzito)
I am running saxon-ee- using the command line interface to transform directories of XML files. This error is reported, often several times with different input files: I/O error reported by XML parser processing file:/D/Toyota/DEV/SVG/120025C.SVG: Unexpected end of file from server While processing 120025C.SVG: Run-time errors were reported On a directory containing 1000 input files, I typically see 50 to 100 errors, but the numbers are pretty erratic. However, I can rerun the process on the same directory and have a different set files give the above error. I have tested in Solaris and Ubuntu environments with both local and networked disk and the errors occur in all environments; they are repeatable but not predictable. I can run the same set of files through the transformation process specifying a single input file rather than a directory, (one input file and one JVM,) and have processed about 30,000 files this way in the past day and an I/O error was reported on only one. Has anyone else experienced this?
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RE: Unexpected end of file when running batch - Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago
Legacy ID: #10616216 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
Strange - haven't seen anything like this before. Do any of the files require access to web resources, e.g. DTDs hosted on the W3C server?
RE: Unexpected end of file when running batch - Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago
Legacy ID: #10616361 Legacy Poster: Mike Ferrando (ferrando9)
My experience is that the processor is looking for a file. When it does not find it, it sends back this type of error. "Unexpected end of file from server" -mike
RE: Unexpected end of file when running batch - Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago
Legacy ID: #10620822 Legacy Poster: Ron Zito (pronaldzito)
I am using -dtd:off, however the files are svg and do reference "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd" I had two cases (out of about 58k) where it reported Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd which I attributed to a network glitch, and those occurred when I was processing a single file at a time rather than the entire directory. It did not report the unexpected end of file, which does occur frequently when giving if a directory rather than a file.
RE: Unexpected end of file when running batch - Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago
Legacy ID: #10620851 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
The DTD reference explains the problem. W3C no longer guarantee to satisfy requests for these common DTD URL's - they can't cope with the traffic. -dtd:off suppresses DTD validation, but the DTD is still fetched for other purposes (such as entity expansion). The answer is to use catalogs to redirect the reference to a local copy. The next Saxon release will have improved support for this (though logically, this is a function that really belongs with the XML parser...)
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