saxon:assign not working
Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #7924971 Legacy Poster: Krishan Arora (kris2510)
Hi Michael I am working with Saxon .Net API HE and facing the following error Warning: in B24ATMDTest.xsl: SXWN9008: saxon:assign is not recognized as a Saxon instruction Error XTDE1450: Unknown extension instruction at xsl:for-each processing /NewDataSet/Table[1] in built-in template rule The same xsl & xml are working fine when I am using KERNOW 1.6 The C# code I am writing is TextWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); _dataSet.WriteXml(stringWriter, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema); TextReader stringReader = new StringReader(stringWriter.ToString()); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(stringReader); reader.XmlResolver = null; // Load the source document XdmNode input = _processor.NewDocumentBuilder().Build(reader); XsltTransformer transformer = _compiler.Compile(new Uri(xslPath)).Load(); transformer.InputXmlResolver = null; transformer.InitialContextNode = input; Serializer serializer = new Serializer(); StringWriter outputWriter = new StringWriter(); serializer.SetOutputWriter(outputWriter); transformer.Run(serializer); Can you please help? Many Thanks!
Replies (1)
RE: saxon:assign not working - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #7925057 Legacy Poster: Krishan Arora (kris2510)
I got the problem. the 9.2 HE does not support extensions. Thanks
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