


DefaultHandler vs ContentHandler

Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7518021 Legacy Poster: Imran J (jimranjava)

Hi Folks, * What is the difference between DefaultHandler and ContentHandler in java Saxon...? * Please provide me example and usage of the above specified classes * Thanks in advance for valuable help Regards, JavaImran

Replies (2)

RE: DefaultHandler vs ContentHandler - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7518181 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

DefaultHandler and ContentHandler belong to the SAX package - they are nothing to do with Saxon, except that Saxon uses them. ContentHandler is an interface that works with a SAX parser to receive notification of parsing events. DefaultHandler is a class that implements the ContentHandler interface - it's provided for convenience so that by writing a class that extends DefaultHandler, you create an implementation of ContentHandler that provides a default "do nothing" implementation of all the parser callback methods. Most good general-purpose books on XML (especially XML with Java) will include a chapter on SAX programming. I would recommend the one by Elliotte Rusty Harold, which devotes almost 50 pages to the subject.

RE: DefaultHandler vs ContentHandler - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7518348 Legacy Poster: Imran J (jimranjava)

Thanks for your quick reply.........


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