


Support for XQuery 1.1

Added by Anonymous almost 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #6729515 Legacy Poster: Ulrich Post (upost)

Hello Michael, Are there any plans to support XQuery 1.1 (especially the tumbing/sliding window feature) in Saxon? And if so: what is the schedule? Best regards Uli

Replies (1)

RE: Support for XQuery 1.1 - Added by Anonymous almost 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #6730553 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

I've implemented a number of XQuery 1.1 features to appear in Saxon 9.2 - but not tumbling/sliding windows yet. I suspect to do that properly I will need to redesign some of the internals to work in terms of streams of tuples rather than items (in 1.0, the only thing that needs tuples is some rare cases of "order by", and these are currently fudged). I never promise dates. I was hoping at one time to ship 9.2 during March, but that's not going to happen - I decided to add a few more features instead. Michael Kay


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