DocumentInfo & NodeInfo impl for JCR
Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Legacy ID: #5390675 Legacy Poster: Ivan Latysh (ivanlatysh)
Hello All! I am working on DocumentInfo and NodeInfo implementations that are
wrapping JCR (Java Content Repository), so we can run XQuery on it. But I hit a small
problem when I decide to extend net.sf.saxon.tree.NodeImpl. And right away I hit the
problem. The member protected ParentNodeImpl parent;
is narrowed to ParentNodeImpl
when it can be just NodeInfo
. I can't override it and can't set it so the only option
is to copy entire class, or I am doing something wrong. Appreciate any help with
Replies (12)
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RE: DocumentInfo & NodeInfo impl for JCR - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Legacy ID: #5390713 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
The "linked tree" implementation of NodeInfo (in package net.sf.saxon.tree) isn't designed to be subclassed, and I don't think that's the right way of writing a wrapper around an external data structure. I would base your design instead on the wrapper implementations of NodeInfo, for example the net.sf.saxon.jdom.NodeWrapper. But frankly, it's up to you: I can't really give you help with this kind of project.
RE: DocumentInfo & NodeInfo impl for JCR - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Legacy ID: #5390871 Legacy Poster: Ivan Latysh (ivanlatysh)
Thank you for the advice, net.sf.saxon.dom4j.NodeWrapper is an excellent example,
that what I was looking for. I used Saxon for long time, but never went deeper than
Emitters and URI Resolvers. So right now I am trying to navigate my way through the
source code. Also I see net.sf.saxon.dom4j.DOM4JObjectModel
but can't find any usage
of it. What is the purpose of it ?
RE: DocumentInfo & NodeInfo impl for JCR - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Legacy ID: #5390922 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
The "ObjectModel" classes changed fairly substantially in Saxon 9.1. The basic idea is that "core Saxon" doesn't know anything about the external object models such as JDOM or DOM4J, so new models can easily be plugged in just by registering them with the Configuration (config.registerExternalObjectModel). Then when you pass a com.example.WeirdNode to an interface such as s9api.DocumentBuilder.wrap(), Saxon will try all the registered object models to see if any of them knows what to do with it. I'm afraid the interface ExternalObjectModel and the various implementations of it contain a lot of rather messy code reflecting the fact that the role of this object changed quite a bit in 9.1. But it should give you the general idea.
RE: DocumentInfo & NodeInfo impl for JCR - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Legacy ID: #5395041 Legacy Poster: Ivan Latysh (ivanlatysh)
Thanks for your help, I completed JCRDocumentWrapper
and JCRNodeWrapper
allow execution of XQuery and XPath on top of JCR (JSR-170) with a decent performance.
Now I am cleaning up the code, and would like to hear your advice on couple of things.
1) Exception handling. Neither DocumentInfo
or NodeInfo
allow any exception to be
thrown, but I may get some from underlying repository, here is an example: public
NodeInfo selectID(String id) { try { Session session = ((Node)node).getSession(); return
wrap(session.getNodeByUUID(id)); } catch (RepositoryException e) { e.printStackTrace();
throw new RuntimeException(e); } } So what is the best approach to handle such
exceptions? Throwing RuntimeException's does not look good to me. 2) Namespace handling.
JCR has a namespace registry and i would like to register those namespaces so XQuery
engine would not shout on me when I am trying to get @jcr:uuid
RE: DocumentInfo & NodeInfo impl for JCR - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Legacy ID: #5395130 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
Exception handling: a common Java problem, it happens whenever you want to implement a standard exception-free interface like List or Iterator. The only answer I know is to throw an unchecked exception which you catch at some outer level, presumably in this case at the level where the query as a whole is invoked. Namespace handling. I don't understand what this "namespace registry" is. With XQuery and XPath Saxon allows you to register namespace prefixes via API calls before compiling the query. With XSLT, declaring the namespace within the stylesheet is compulsory.
RE: DocumentInfo & NodeInfo impl for JCR - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Legacy ID: #5395255 Legacy Poster: Ivan Latysh (ivanlatysh)
I don't like throwing unchecked exceptions, but in this case I have no other option. JCR registry is very similar to Saxon. My intention was to take over a task of registering prefixes before executing XQuery. But from what I see prefixes are registered in StaticQueryContext.declarePassiveNamespace(...) so I don't have an access to it from inside of JCRDocumentWrapper. Let me re-phrase: user has to register prefixes before compiling XQuery with StaticQueryContext and this task should not be delegated to a DocumentInfo implementation. Am I right ?
RE: DocumentInfo & NodeInfo impl for JCR - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Legacy ID: #5413051 Legacy Poster: Vladimir Nesterovsky (vnesterovsky)
You may (re)throw checked exception: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T extends Throwable> boolean error(Throwable e) throws T { throw (T)e; } ... catch(YourException e) { this.<Error>error(e); } This allows to handle YourException to those who know how to handle it. -- Vladimir Nesterovsky
The prefix "jcr" ... is not bound. - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Legacy ID: #5447388 Legacy Poster: Ivan Latysh (ivanlatysh)
JCRDocument wrapper works fine, but I have a few issues with namespaces. When XQuery return a property that has jcr namespace (<node jcr:uuid="123"/>) I am getting: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The prefix "jcr" for attribute "jcr:uuid" associated with an element type "contact" is not bound. So I need some help on how to properly register uri. declarePassiveNamespace() for static context didn't help ...
RE: The prefix "jcr" ... is not bound. - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Legacy ID: #5447487 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
>JCRDocument wrapper works fine It looks to me as if it doesn't. There are a number of constraints that your data model implementation must adhere to. These correspond roughly to the constraints defined in the W3C XDM specification. One of them, for example, is that if an element or one of its attributes is in a particular namespace (or uses a particular namespace prefix), then the list of namespace nodes for that element must include a binding for that prefix/uri. If your model doesn't satisfy such constraints, then it is entirely possible that the serialization of the XML will not be namespace-well-formed. Michael Kay
RE: The prefix "jcr" ... is not bound. - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Legacy ID: #5447537 Legacy Poster: Ivan Latysh (ivanlatysh)
> It looks to me as if it doesn't. Not all attributes has jcr
prefix, so
you are right, it does not work as expected :) I understand what you have described very
well. But I need some help on how to programmatically register namespaces. here is my
code (simplified): protected static final Configuration config = new Configuration();
protected static final StaticQueryContext staticEnv = new StaticQueryContext(config);
static{ // here I am doing something wrong
"", true); } Node contextNode =
jcrSession.getRootNode(); JCRDocumentWrapper document = new
JCRDocumentWrapper(contextNode, "jcr:root", config);
DynamicQueryContext dynamicEnv = new DynamicQueryContext(config);
dynamicEnv.setContextItem(document); XQueryExpression expression =
staticEnv.compileQuery(xquery);, reslt,
RE: The prefix "jcr" ... is not bound. - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Legacy ID: #5471415 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
>But I need some help on how to programmatically register namespaces. // here I am doing something wrong staticEnv.declarePassiveNamespace("jcr", "", true); The declarePassiveNamespaces() method is deprecated since 9.0, and the Javadoc says that the third argument must be "false". You should be using staticEnv.declareNamespace("jcr", ""); However, I'm having trouble seeing how this relates to the other problems on the thread. It helps to start a new thread for a new problem, and treat it as a completely new thread: that is, describe what you are doing and how it is failing from first principles. Otherwise, I've no idea whether you have changed things since you first described your scenario. Michael Kay
RE: The prefix "jcr" ... is not bound. - Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Legacy ID: #5489027 Legacy Poster: Ivan Latysh (ivanlatysh)
I found the issue, it was a bug in my code. Thank you.
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