


Has XSD 1.1 died?

Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago

Legacy ID: #8690049 Legacy Poster: Stefan_E (stefane1)

This is probably the wrong place, but I've spent the better part of Sunday trying to figure out what the status of XSD 1.1 is. The best I can tell is it's as dead as it can be - which would be a real pitty. But there doesn't seem to be any updates in 2010, confusing status in 2009 (Candidate Recommendation in May, Working Draft in December) and a charter expiring soon. So we have to go for Schematron for assertions? What a pitty! Would hope that my worries are unfounded ... As Saxon is supporting it, I apologize for asking the question here :-) Stefan

Replies (2)

RE: Has XSD 1.1 died? - Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago

Legacy ID: #8690808 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

It's moving forward, but painfully slowly. W3C specs can't make the final step from Candidate Rec to Rec until there is a test suite and two complete implementations, so the spec is basically in limbo until the test suite and the implementations are ready. In fact there are two implementations (Saxon and Xerces) that are both 90% complete, and a test suite that is now 90% complete, but it's still a lot of work to get from there to 100%. The unfortunate part about this is that some other implementors don't consider starting work on a spec until it reaches Recommendation status, so the whole process is now incredibly slow. (The apparent step back from CR to WD didn't help perceptions either. In fact the spec is still at CR status; the WD was issued as a snapshot to show progress in addressing issues reported in response to the CR, but wasn't itself issued as a CR to avoid the overheads of restarting the CR review process.)

RE: Has XSD 1.1 died? - Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago

Legacy ID: #8692355 Legacy Poster: Stefan_E (stefane1)

Hi Michael, thanks for the explanations - the Googling made me aware of your involvement at least. I raised the same issue over at [url=]Oxygen[/url] with a bit of a disappointing reply. Let's hope that this can move faster than we might anticipate ... Stefan


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