Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago
Legacy ID: #3955091 Legacy Poster: Spenser (spenserkao)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 has a method named <xml-column>.modify [1], where <xml-column> is a place holder for any XMLtype field. My question: is it supported by Saxon 8.8's XQuery processor? I am using Saxon 8.8 under OPS (Orbeon PresentationServer). Perhaps I should ask: is that method a W3C standard? Or a SQL Server 2005 extention? According to [2], there seems no indication that it is a W3C standard. Does anyone have an insight? Best Regards, Spenser [1] http://www.15seconds.com/issue/050803.htm [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/
Replies (2)
RE: xml-column.modify - Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago
Legacy ID: #3955386 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
The following quote from this article bowled me over: "In recent years, it’s become increasingly obvious that the major uses of XML are as a way of storing both rowset (single table) and hierarchical (multiple-table) data, rather than unstructured information such as newspaper articles. " CLosely followed by: "the XML Information Set (Infoset) model ... effectively considers an XML document as one or more typed rowsets." Amazing! (The Infoset - typed?) I guess if you live in an orchard then everything starts to look like an apple. But frankly, an author who can write things like that has very little credibility in my eyes. However, the author does make a distinction between XQuery and XML-DML. The modify method is clearly identified as part of XML-DML, not part of XQuery. As far as I can see XML-DML is a Microsoft variation on the proposed SQL XML extension, which adds an XML data type to SQL with a number of operations, including the ability to execute XQuery statements. Saxon's XQuery currently has no update capability. I'll probably wait until the W3C XQuery update specifications are a bit more stable before providing one: for a non-database implementation like Saxon it's not a high priority.
RE: xml-column.modify - Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago
Legacy ID: #3956777 Legacy Poster: Spenser (spenserkao)
Thanks for the clarification. Spenser
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