saxon:serialize in xslt
Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago
Legacy ID: #3785355 Legacy Poster: Henry Story (bblfish)
I have just transformed my xquery transform to xslt using xq2xsl [1]. It transforms the saxon:serialize call to this: <xsl:function name="loc:serialize" as="xs:string"> <xsl:param name="el" as="element()"/> <xsl:for-each select="$input"> <xsl:sequence select="replace(saxon:serialize($el),'^[^&gt;]*>','')"/> </xsl:for-each> </xsl:function> The saxon:serialize documentation [2] says that "When called within an XSLT stylesheet, the second argument is the name of an xsl:output element in the stylesheet" But as I understand xsl:output elements get merged together, and I needed my main xsl:output element to output text. How is this meant to work? [1] [2]
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RE: saxon:serialize in xslt
Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago
Legacy ID: #3785360 Legacy Poster: Henry Story (bblfish)
Euh slight mistake the code generated contains: saxon:serialize($el,'xml')
RE: saxon:serialize in xslt
Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago
Legacy ID: #3785385 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
In XSLT 2.0, xsl:output elements can be named (with a name attribute). They are only merged if they have the same name. The main output file uses the unnamed xsl:output declarations, but secondary output files (xsl:result-document) can use named declarations.
RE: saxon:serialize in xslt
Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago
Legacy ID: #3785868 Legacy Poster: Henry Story (bblfish)
Thanks. Still I am having difficulty. The xslt created by the xq2xsl tool must have some bug. It seems to only generate text output from the xml but not any of the text . But the general format of what is output tend to make me think that it is mostly correct. Perhaps you can see an evident bug in the transform. I have tried quite a lot of things, but can't get it to work just like that. If there is no obvious saxon dependency problem, I'll post a message to the xq2xsl mailing list. If that tool worked it would be really great.
RE: saxon:serialize in xslt
Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago
Legacy ID: #3786497 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
I'm afraid that since there's no evidence here of any Saxon problem, I'm not going to be able to spend any time helping you with this.
RE: saxon:serialize in xslt
Added by Anonymous over 18 years ago
Legacy ID: #3793163 Legacy Poster: Henry Story (bblfish)
David Carlisle helped me out with this. I was meant to call the generated xslt like this saxon8 -o ongoing.t2 -it main atom2turtle.xsl +input=ongoing.atom After a few small extra changes I am able to get it to work using the W3C xslt service. See
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