Saxon Processor shutting down JVM
Added by Anonymous almost 19 years ago
Legacy ID: #3623028 Legacy Poster: Rashmi Pujar (pujarra)
Hello: I am trying to use Saxon8.jar file to do run my XSLTs. At any point, the net.sf.saxon.Transform.doTransform (...) does not find any files, for example the XSLT file or the include files within the XSLT, it gives me a EOF exceptio, however it is SHUTTING down my JVM and bringing the server down. I would really appreciate if anybody could provide any input to how I could resolve this. Thank u very much in advance. Rashmi Pujar
Replies (1)
RE: Saxon Processor shutting down JVM
Added by Anonymous almost 19 years ago
Legacy ID: #3623245 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
The Transform class is intended to be used only from the command line, it is not intended to be called from a Java application. From a Java application you can invoke a transformation using the JAXP API as described at Michael Kay Saxonica
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