


XSL:result-document question

Added by Anonymous almost 20 years ago

Legacy ID: #3068280 Legacy Poster: sodagal (sodagal)

hi - i am new to xml - xslt. i would like to use the xsl:result-document. but it seems to be giving te eror message "Keyword xsl:for-each does not contain xsl:result-document" Can you pls tell me what this means thanx,

Replies (1)

RE: XSL:result-document question - Added by Anonymous almost 20 years ago

Legacy ID: #3068359 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

I don't recognize this as a Saxon error message. Please show us a copy of your stylesheet, and an exact copy of the error message, including line number etc. It might also be useful to indicate how you are invoking the transformation. Michael Kay


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