


Saxon-HE to be used in DSpace 6.4

Added by Hrafn Malmquist about 5 years ago

Good day

I'm working on the open source project DSpace. DSpace is repository software, it's front-end is currently available in two flavours: XMLUI and JSP (see: DSpace is used by higher education institutions, libraries and various other private and public entities all over the world.

Ever since it was first released with an XMLUI interface it's used the Xalan processor. I have altered the DSpace code to be XSLT 3 compatible, to the best of my knowledge, in this Github pull request:

I first started working on this improvement because I needed to compare dates in XSL. That was rather painful.

I'm wondering what are among the bigger advantages to Saxon-HE. Maybe if most of the XSLT is in 1.0 there isn't much in terms of improvement in processing.

If anyone has any comments, they'd be greatly appreciated

Best regards, Hrafn

Replies (1)

RE: Saxon-HE to be used in DSpace 6.4 - Added by Michael Kay about 5 years ago

You mean, benefits in XSLT 3.0 over XSLT 1.0?

Hard to know where to start!

date time processing, regular expressions, grouping, functions, JSON support, schema awareness, streaming, HTML5 output, packages, .... And that only scratches the surface

The language is about 10 times bigger, and typical stylesheets become three times smaller. But of course, if you're only doing very simple things, then you won't see much benefit.


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