SAXON .net IKVM upgrade plans to IKVM.WINDWARD
Added by Christof Reichel over 3 years ago
Hello Community,
i am new user to the Saxon API in .net Framework 4.8 environment, so i have to get familar with the API and used assemblies.
After retrieving Saxon 10.5.1 via Nuget i have seen, that IKVM assemblies are deployed as well. That's OK, because saxon use the same Java base to operate over all products.
These IKVM assemblies are up2date according the original IKVM project that was discontiued.
- (8.1.5717)
But further researches, showes that there is a "fork" of IKVM called IKVM.WINDWARD
These project received changes in 2019, the original IKVM-Project last change was in 2015.
So my question is, are there any upgrade plans to IKVM.WINDWARD?
- performance
- bugfixes
- stability
- security-issues
Replies (6)
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RE: SAXON .net IKVM upgrade plans to IKVM.WINDWARD
Added by Michael Kay over 3 years ago
Our initial attempt to compile with the Windward fork of IKVM was unsuccessful.
We're currently pursuing a different approach, namely source code conversion from Java to C#. I'm speaking about that project at Markup UK this afternoon, and you can find my paper online at
RE: SAXON .net IKVM upgrade plans to IKVM.WINDWARD
Added by Christof Reichel over 3 years ago
First, thank you for your quick response.
That was my second thought, that IKVM.WINDWARD will be incompatible. I am looking forward for your announced approach.
RE: SAXON .net IKVM upgrade plans to IKVM.WINDWARD
Added by Christof Reichel over 3 years ago
First, thank you for your quick response.
That was my second thought, that IKVM.WINDWARD will be incompatible. I am looking forward for your announced approach. Is there a possiblity to join this speak?
RE: SAXON .net IKVM upgrade plans to IKVM.WINDWARD
Added by Michael Kay over 2 years ago
As a postscript on this, we now have SaxonCS on .NET Core built using transpiler technology; so we no longer have any need to use IKVM.windward. We haven't made any further investigations of IKVM.windward, but I note that it hasn't been updated since 2019.
RE: SAXON .net IKVM upgrade plans to IKVM.WINDWARD
Added by Martin Honnen over 2 years ago
There is now an IKVM version supporting .NET Core 3.1 and that way .NET 5 or 6, see Using it and I managed to cross-compile both Saxon HE 10.8 Java as well as Saxon HE 11.4 Java to .NET Core and I have created some sample repositories showing how that can be done and used:
I have also created some NuGet packages, for Saxon HE 10 use in .NET 3.1 and later:
For Saxon HE 11 use in .NET 6 and later:
That is all my personal, experimental work, not in any way a supported or approved product of Saxonica.
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