Tracing change since Saxon 10 ?
Added by Christophe Marchand almost 2 years ago
I use XSpec with code coverage. With Saxon, I get some tracing infos, but when I switch to Saxon 10 or more recent, I do not have any tracing informations.
Does something changed between Saxon 9 and 10 on this ?
Just to help me to find where I have to look to correct XSpec bug...
Replies (7)
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RE: Tracing change since Saxon 10 ?
Added by Michael Kay almost 2 years ago
Yes, it's entirely possible that there have been minor changes in this area. We would need to see exactly what you are doing to be more precise.
RE: Tracing change since Saxon 10 ?
Added by Christophe Marchand almost 2 years ago
Ok, I'm gonna try to extract all code...
java -cp "saxon-ee-10.9.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform -T:com.jenitennison.xslt.tests.XSLTCoverageTraceListener -o:... -xsl:... -it:"{}main" and many other system properties used by XSLTCoverageTraceListener
Java code is available here : You should know this code, your are listed in contributors list
I can provide my whole code if required.
Best regards, Christophe
RE: Tracing change since Saxon 10 ?
Added by Michael Kay almost 2 years ago
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't know the code! I expect they acknowledged me because they started by hacking an example I had written to do something quite different.
I'll take a look though.
RE: Tracing change since Saxon 10 ?
Added by Christophe Marchand almost 2 years ago
Thanks a lot, Michael ! Jeni or Florent did some hacking ? Strange ;-)
It seems the XSLTCoverageTraceListener is call, at least the open method at line # 72 because the root element is written.
Best regards, Christophe
RE: Tracing change since Saxon 10 ?
Added by Michael Kay almost 2 years ago
Changes were made to tidy up the tracing information in Saxon 10: see!changes/spi/9.9-10 and search for "Tracing".
I'm a little surprised that it runs at all, rather than throwing some kind of Java error; the trace listener code supplied won't compile against Saxon 10.
There is no longer a trace call at the level that used to be LocationKind.XPATH_IN_XSLT
. I imagine that change was made to avoid multiple calls at the same point, but I can see that it might be useful for a TraceListener to know that we're at the XSLT-XPath boundary.
Attached is a rewrite of the trace listener that compiles successfully; I don't know if it works as a plug-in replacement because I'm not sure how the data that's collected is subsequently processed. (14.3 KB) | Rewrite of supplied trace listener |
RE: Tracing change since Saxon 10 ?
Added by Christophe Marchand almost 2 years ago
Thanks a lot, Mike, for this !
It seems to work. I'm just surprised by the coverage result, xsl:sequence are all non-evaluated.
I'm gonna spend more time on this later, I teach today !
Attached a coverage report. You'll see very strange coloring...
Thanks again, Christophe
RE: Tracing change since Saxon 10 ?
Added by Michael Kay almost 2 years ago
Is there any function inlining going on? It's worth checking what happens if you suppress all optimisations using -opt:0
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