


License Questions

Added by Christian Schmitz about 2 months ago


I am new here and look forward to implement the commercial license into a few products.

For the trial, I got a license file. Is there the possibility to pass the license to the library for C++ without a file? e.g. instead of

processor.setConfigurationProperty("", Path.c_str());

could we pass it with the content of that file directly as string:

processor.setConfigurationProperty("", LicenseText.c_str());

That may avoid us providing the license file to all users in the file system where they may read it and use it outside our products. I'd prefer to keep it inside the library.

Second, as we pay a yearly fee, would we get a new file each year to distribute with the products? And what happens if file expires? Does the old library with the old license file continue to work forever or do we have to distribute new license files to all users whenever we get an updated one?

Thank you for help.

Greetings Christian

Replies (2)

RE: License Questions - Added by Michael Kay about 2 months ago

If you are integrating Saxon into an application that you ship to users, or that you make available to them on a "software as a service" basis, then you need a redistribution license. When you buy a redistribution license then we issue you with a key that you can embed in your application, to activate the software programmatically, just as you suggest. This key does not expire, so the end users of your application can continue to use it indefinitely (or on whatever terms you dictate). When you buy a redistribution license, an annual fee is payable so long as you continue distributing the application; if and when you reissue the application and upgrade to a new Saxon version, you can ask us for an updated license key that works with that version.

More details here:

I would suggest that if you want to have a discussion about commercial terms it would be better to do that off-list.

RE: License Questions - Added by Christian Schmitz about 2 months ago

Thank you. I continue with my coding :-)


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