


Saonx 9.2 - Class path

Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7986902 Legacy Poster: bridgji (bridgji)

I'm upgrading a process from a very old version of saxon to the 9.2 he version. In the old version in our script f was running things by doing : $JAVACMD -Xms100m -Xmx999m -cp "$LOCALCLASSPATH" $FOP_OPTS com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet -w0 "$@" I've tested using -jar and my style sheet works after some tweaking. I think I want to continue to user the -cp option but don't know what the curren equivilent of com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet would be. So my quesitons are what would be the equilvelent of com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet and is -cp really better than just running it as -jar? I have little java experiance so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks JB

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RE: Saonx 9.2 - Class path - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7986918 Legacy Poster: bridgji (bridgji)

Found it myself. net.sf.saxon.Transform Saxon - so picky you have to spell the call correctly. If anyone can answer the is -cp vs -jar better I'd still be interested in learning about the difference. Thanks

RE: Saonx 9.2 - Class path - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7986920 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Information on running XSLT from the command line is at [url=][/url] You're right that using -jar is limiting: use it only if the Saxon code is the only thing needed to run your application (i.e. if there are no extension functions or other add-ons that need to be dynamically loaded). Using -cp is probably better, though you have to type a little bit more.

RE: Saonx 9.2 - Class path - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7986936 Legacy Poster: bridgji (bridgji)

Ok that makes sense. At this point the only thing were running but I'll stick with -cp. Thanks for the quick help and the link. I appreciate the help. JB


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