


How to reduce Memory problems with Saxon 9.2

Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7986103 Legacy Poster: Tobbi (thetobbi)

Hi, XSL Transformation: I have a 120MB file for e.g. when i transform this file, i have a memory amount from about 500MB, i use the TINY_TREE_CONDENSED, is there any way to reduce the memory usage to 200MB or lesser? I can't change the xsl, so i can't use the streaming extension and i only can use JDK 1.5 P.S. What does the method Configuration.setMultiThreading() exactly does? I can't see any change when i set this true.

Replies (1)

RE: How to reduce Memory problems with Saxon 9.2 - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7986154 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

The streaming facilities in Saxon-EE are designed to help you manage this situation. If your stylesheet logic isn't suitable for streaming, there's not much you can do. You may be able to break it up into a sequence of smaller transformations, or you may be able to write a pre-filter that removes the parts of the document your transformation isn't interested in. Saxon's ability to perform transformations in streaming mode will increase substantially in 9.3, but it still won't handle a stylesheet unless it is written to some extent with streaming in mind. The setting Configuration.setMultiThreading is historic and is best ignored. Currently its only effect is to enable or disable the "streaming copy" optimization.


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