Extension Instructions for HTML Component Lib
Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #7950191 Legacy Poster: Matt (mraccola)
I work on an application that uses XSLT to render the HTML representation of the user interface. We would like to build a component library for our framework, something along the lines of the core Flex or JSF components. It seems that the way to do this would be to write custom extension instructions, [http://saxonica.com/documentation/extensibility/instructions.html][1]. I tried prototyping a simple panel component that will generate a fancy DIV around arbitrary HTML content. Sample markup would look like this: <custom:panel ...>
Replies (1)
RE: Extension Instructions for HTML Component Lib - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #7951149 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
Your analysis is basically correct. The interface for writing extension instructions is low-level, poorly documented, and lacks robustness. In fact, it's not really an API in any meaningful sense of the word; you pretty well have to write your code as if it were part of the Saxon internals. I would like to do a cleaner API, along the lines of the new interface introduced in 9.2 for writing integrated extension functions; but it's not really very high on the agenda, given that not many people are trying to write such extensions.
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