Performance question
Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #7769315 Legacy Poster: Carlos Delgado (carlosdelgado)
Hi, I'm using saxon XSLT transformer to generate html pages on the fly. I get the xml pieces from a XHive DB and run the XSLT on those pieces injecting some dynamic values and sometimes even java instances. I have concerns about the performance when this code goes to production. I don't know if it would be of any advantage splitting the big XSLT into small pieces and create a flow of XSLTs depending on the type of page you want to generate. Right now this is done in the XSLT logic and using templates as well. The most straightforward answer would be: why don't you try and tell us? But the thing is that is a really big piece of work and I'd like to have some advice before getting into it. So, any comments would be much appreciated. Thanks very much. Carlos
Replies (1)
RE: Performance question
Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago
Legacy ID: #7769520 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
I think the two most useful bits of advice I can give for this scenario are (a) make sure you cache and reuse the compiled stylesheet (JAXP Templates object or s9api XsltExecutable) (b) think about how you will measure performance, both at the overall system/application level and the XSLT contribution. If you put good instrumentation into place, it will be much much easier to do performance tuning if it turns out to be needed. I wouldn't have thought that breaking up the stylesheet into smaller stylesheets would make a significant impact. But don't do ANY performance tuning until you have enough measurements to know whether you have a problem and to understand where it is.
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