


Maximal number of templates in imports

Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7453671 Legacy Poster: xmachac2 (xmachac2)

Hi, I use Saxon B as web aplication platform in our group and I has one issue/bug report/question. When I use 'maybe big' tree of XSL files (tree made by many xsl:import and some files are imported more times in diferent files) then some templates are not silently used in transformation of XML. When I change order of imports in root file, this templates are used, but others are not used (before order change are used as expected). SAXON don't write any error or warning to log. How many templates are allowed in importing process? In my opinion SAXON should inform me or throw exception if more then allowed templates are processed. Best regards and thank's for any answer Zdenek

Replies (2)

RE: Maximal number of templates in imports - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7453712 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

You haven't provided any evidence that the product isn't working according to the specification. Which templates are executed depends on their import precedence, and this depends on the import tree (which modules import which other modules). Generally a template rule in an importing module takes precedence over one in an imported module. Saxon produces a warning if two template rules with the same priority and import precedence match the same node. But there is no warning if one of them has higher priority/precedence - the one with lower precedence is simply ignored. That's a feature of the language, designed to allow stylesheet customisation.

RE: Maximal number of templates in imports - Added by Anonymous about 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #7460389 Legacy Poster: xmachac2 (xmachac2)

Hi, I thought that imported templates has only local impact in importing file (like Java import) and higher importing don't see imports from imported file (maybe bad experience from old versions or other implementations). Thank's for resolution of problem Zdenek


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