


Capture <xsl:message/> output

Added by Anonymous almost 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #7322518 Legacy Poster: Ivan Latysh (ivanlatysh)

Hello Michael ! I am invoking XSLT transformation from the Java code. And I would like to capture all <xsl:message/> output. Where should I register my own output stream to capture that ? Thank you.

Replies (1)

RE: Capture &lt;xsl:message/&gt; output - Added by Anonymous almost 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #7322686 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

If you're using s9api, there's a high-level interface for this: XsltTransformer.setMessageListener(), where MessageListener is then notified of each message in the form of an XML node (in general, xsl:message outputs XML, not just text). Or you can use lower-level interfaces. If you merely want to redirect the message output to a different stream, you can do ((Emitter)controller.getMessageEmitter()).setOutputStream(stream) where controller is the JAXP Transformer cast to net.sf.saxon.Controller. If you also want to reformat the message output, you can capture it at the XML event level using controller.setMessageEmitter().


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