


saxon gui and collections

Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #5840839 Legacy Poster: kishjeff (kishjeff)

Hi. I am pretty new at this. I downloaded the saxon 9.1 free version. I'm running on Windows XP after some study I found I could use this one line .bat file to access a collection and run a simple query: "C:\Program Files\Java50\bin\java" -cp saxon9.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -t -q:Collectiontest.xq Collectiontest.xq looks like this: collection('file:///c:/Downloads/Utilities/XQuery/saxon/extracted/testxml?select=.xml;recurse=yes')// I would like to use the GUI on collections. I activate the gui with this 2 line bat file: cd C:\Downloads\Utilities\XQuery\unzipped\dist "c:\program files\java50\bin\java" -jar "xQuery.jar" And get a nice gui. But I can't get it to run against collections. Here is the file I attempt to submit as an .xq file: collection('file:///c:/Downloads/Utilities/XQuery/saxon/extracted/testxml?select=.xml;recurse=yes')// I get this error in the output window: ; SystemID: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\saxon\recipe\recipe01.xqy; Line#: 1; Column#: -1 Invalid URI {file:///c:/Downloads/Utilities...} passed to collection() function Notes: there is no xml file as they are all referenced in the .xq file. I tried this also with no luck (the same error): collection('file:\\c:\Downloads\Utilities\XQuery\saxon\extracted\testxml?select=.xml;recurse=yes')// I'm sure I must be overlooking something painfully obvious. Can someone help me get the collection function working with the GUI? thanks Jeff

Replies (1)

RE: saxon gui and collections - Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #5840847 Legacy Poster: kishjeff (kishjeff)

sorry please ignore this terribly misplaced message.


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