


The Role Processor class in XQJ examples

Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #5661905 Legacy Poster: jonathan burke (jonburke)

Hi, I am new to Saxon and wish to get a good understanding before writing any code. I have been playing with the file and also reading the Saxon API in HTML. Within the API it is mentions the Processor clsss as "allowing global Saxon configuration options to be set....This is the first object that a Saxon application should create." However looking at the classes used to support the XQJExamples file, I can see no way in which this class is called from in the Saxon XQJ implementation. Have I missed something ? Could this be a class used prior to the XQJ implementation ? At what point does the Processor class come into play or is initiated ? Any light that can be shed will be much appreciated, Thanks, Jon

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RE: The Role Processor class in XQJ examples - Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Legacy ID: #5661953 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

The Processor class plays the same role in the s9api interface as the XQDataSource plays in the XQJ interface: both are API veneer around an underlying net.sf.saxon.Configuration object which is where the real action is. Nothing in the s9api section of the documentation has any bearing on XQJ - they are alternative front-ends to the same underlying engine.


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