


result-document href filename escaping

Added by Anonymous almost 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #5208757 Legacy Poster: Micah (mkkoch5)

I'm using result-document and I want to write a file who's name contains my OS's directory path delimiter(in my case / on OS X). I've tried various means of escaping it(/,%2F,etc.), but with no luck, the /, or even %2F, is always interpreted as being a directory delimiter, so the name gets chopped in half with one part being a directory that is created, and the other the actual file. Is there a way to accomplish creating a file who's name contains a directory path delimiter? I'm using Thanks, Micah

Replies (2)

RE: result-document href filename escaping - Added by Anonymous almost 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #5210556 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

I would be surprised if the operating system allows the path separator character to appear in a (segment of) the file name, and if it does, I would be surprised if Java implements a mapping from file:/// URIs to filenames of this kind. If it does, however, then it should work in Saxon. Try writing your own OutputURIResolver to see if you can make this work; if you can, then I will consider incorporating any changes in the standard product.

RE: result-document href filename escaping - Added by Anonymous almost 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #5211482 Legacy Poster: Micah (mkkoch5)

Oh, you're quite right, the OS doesn't allow filenames like that...not quite sure why I assumed it did. Duh, I guess I should have checked that first. I'm basing the file name off of some data in the file source XML file, guess I'll just have to transform the file name to get rid of the problem characters. Thanks for your help, Micah


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