


saxon basic & batch file execution

Added by Anonymous about 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #4977023 Legacy Poster: bearsbrother (bearsbrother)

I have setup the following command(s) in a batch file: cd /d c:\Saxon\saxonb bin\Transform.exe -t samples\data\mydata.xml samples\styles\myfile.xsl >samples\output\mynewdata.xml This all works fine locally & on a server using my credentials (execute batch file by double-clicking it). But, when I try to Schedule Task this bat file using an account with privileges, I get a “Last Result = 0x1” in the Schedule Task window after scheduled runtime. Upon further investigation, I find that “0x1” means “An incorrect function was called or an unknown function was called”. The Schedule Task log file also supposedly says “not a valid Win32 app”. I have also used full directory path names in the batch file, but also to no avail. Anybody have any ideas or suggestions?

Replies (1)

RE: saxon basic & batch file execution - Added by Anonymous about 16 years ago

Legacy ID: #4977072 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

I think you'll do better asking this one on a forum where people know about Windows Task Scheduler. There seem to be huge numbers of people asking about similar problems, and I don't think it's anything specifically to do with Saxon.


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