


Cannot compare xs:double to xs:double

Added by Anonymous over 17 years ago

Legacy ID: #4147848 Legacy Poster: Jan Tosovsky (honyk)

Hello, I've tried to find easily position of node with max value with following method: count(//node[. = max(//node)][1]/preceding-sibling::node) + 1 but with current version 8.8J I am getting this strange message: XPTY0004: Cannot compare xs:double to xs:double I've found something in this thread: but I still do not understand well how to avoid this behaviour (I am not so experienced to build most recent version of Saxon from updated source code). Can I use some change in XSLT code or should I wait till new stable version is available? Is there any plan for release? Thank you in advance for any info. Jan

Replies (2)

RE: Cannot compare xs:double to xs:double - Added by Anonymous over 17 years ago

Legacy ID: #4148080 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

There's a Jar file containing this patch which you can download at Just copy the Jar files on top of the existing Saxon 8.8 installation. Michael Kay

RE: Cannot compare xs:double to xs:double - Added by Anonymous over 17 years ago

Legacy ID: #4148648 Legacy Poster: Jan Tosovsky (honyk)

Thank you very much for quick response, now it works great.


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