



Added by Anonymous almost 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3881363 Legacy Poster: Evrim (evrimagha)

Hi I am using windows XP and saxon 8-7-3 (B)and I am a beginner in SAXON. After download and unzipping the files , I have added the CLASSPATH variables by : MyComputer --> Properties --> advanced --> evronment variables and added CLASSPATH variables with full path values of the 7 jar files provided (saxon8.jar ,...). While trying to run java net.sf.saxon.Transform data\books.xml styles\books.xsl >output.html I get error : Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/saxon/Transform. Could you please help me ? Most appreciated. Thank you Evrim

Replies (1)

RE: java.lang.NolassFoundDefError - Added by Anonymous almost 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3881430 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

The error message definitely means your classpath is wrong (specifically, that saxon8.jar isn't on the classpath). It's hard to say in what way it's wrong without being hands-on on your machine. Try (a) telling us exactly what's in your classpath variable, and (b) showing your directory structure. You may find it easier to get things working by using the -cp option on the Java command to specify the classpath. That eliminates some sources of problems, for example using a shell that's using an older version of the classpath environment variable before you edited it.


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