


How to use in VB.NET?

Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3714555 Legacy Poster: Daniel Heinze (dheinze)

(I also posted this msg on saxon-help, before noticing that HELP seems to have more traffic... ) Yesterday I downloaded and installed Saxon on a Windows XP box with .NET Framework 1.1. The command line version works fine. I added the saxon8api.dll to the references of a solution and have access to the Saxon classes, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to use them. My download does not have the cs/samples directory that is referenced in the documentation. Can anyone supply info or examples on using Saxon in either or I'm trying to use the XSLT Transform. Thanks / Dan

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RE: How to use in VB.NET? - Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3714572 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

The samples directory is in the file which you can find at It's only C# I'm afraid - if anyone would like to offer equivalents in VB.NET I'll be pleased to take them on board. The resources file also includes a local copy of the API documentation to be found at Michael Kay

RE: How to use in VB.NET? - Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3714662 Legacy Poster: Daniel Heinze (dheinze)

Thanks. I had downloaded the file, but it doesn't seem to have the C# samples. I downloaded again, but still no luck. Here's what I've been trying in Dim saxonP As New Saxon.Api.Processor Dim c As Saxon.Api.XsltCompiler Dim x As Saxon.Api.XsltExecutable Dim d As Saxon.Api.XmlDestination Dim t As Saxon.Api.XsltTransformer c = saxonP.NewXsltCompiler() x = c.Compile(New FileStream("d:/saxonica/CDATranslation.xsl", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) t = x.Load() t.Run(d) This crashes on the x = c.Compile... line due to a null object reference. Also, it's not clear how to specify the input XML file to be transformed. Finally, how do I convert d, a Saxon.Api.XmlDestination, to something more familiar in .NET? I don't need it in vb.NET, C# examples would be fine. Thanks / Dan

RE: How to use in VB.NET? - Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3715594 Legacy Poster: Don Burden (donburden)

I've been looking for cs samples too and couldn't find them. They appear to be missing in I downloaded, and found a samples/cs directory in there.

RE: How to use in VB.NET? - Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3715680 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Yes, I'd just about got that far in my investigations too. There seems to have been a build error in constructing the 8.7.1 version of the file. Sorry about that. Don: if I'm not mistaken you sent off for a Saxon-SA evaluation license earlier today. The email containing the license bounced saying the email address was unknown. Please drop me a note (mike at with your correct email address.

RE: How to use in VB.NET? - Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago

Legacy ID: #3715847 Legacy Poster: Daniel Heinze (dheinze)

Per Don's response, I got the 8.7 resource file. Using the C# examples, I was able to get it working in with no problems. Thanks.


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