translation() something wrong?
Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago
Legacy ID: #3527140 Legacy Poster: dieter (don_pomodoro)
Hello again, I'm a little confused with the function translate(). I would like to translate german characters to ther ASCII code in order to get right data to Java VM <!-- example --> translate(,'ÄÖüäöüß','ÄÖÜäöüß') <!--/ example --> But it doesn't work. The german characters are still in the output HTML. If I'm testing it e.g. with XYZ it works fine. <!-- example --> translate(,'ÄÖüäöüß','_') <!--/ example --> it works fine. What I'm doing wrong? Thanks a lot in advance. Dieter
Replies (2)
RE: translation() something wrong? - Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago
Legacy ID: #3527672 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
Ä is a character reference representing the character capital A with umlaut. It's translated to that character by the XML parser, long before Saxon gets to see it. So Ä and Ä are completely equivalent as far as the XSLT processor is concerned. (Ä is a non-ASCII character, by the way - you had me confused by referring to it as ASCII). If you want characters represented by character references, this is a job for the serialization phase, not for the transformation phase. The simplest way to achieve it is to specify encoding="us-ascii" in xsl:output. If you do this, non-ASCII characters will be represented using XML escape conventions. Michael Kay
RE: translation() something wrong? - Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago
Legacy ID: #3528426 Legacy Poster: dieter (don_pomodoro)
Thank You very much Michael! It works fine :) Dieter
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