Saxon version 7.1 ?
Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago
Legacy ID: #3524924 Legacy Poster: Matt B (mrbarringer)
A project we're working on references "Saxon 7.1 distributed with Arbortext Editor", but I didn't see a Saxon 7.1 on the list of available downloads. Was there ever a Saxon 7.1 release to the public? If so, would it be possible to obtain a copy of that release? And the latest version of Arbortext Editor (5.1) uses Saxon 6.5.2. Am I missing something, or does the reference to Saxon 7.1 sound like incorrect information?
Replies (1)
RE: Saxon version 7.1 ? - Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago
Legacy ID: #3524986 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
There was a version 7.1, and like all past releases it is still present on SourceForge - I've marked it as "Active" so you can download it if you want. But I really wouldn't recommend it: it was a very early version of my XSLT 2.0 processor and is likely to be very incomplete and buggy, quite apart from the fact that the spec has moved on considerably since then.
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