


Can SERE0014 be made non-fatal?

Added by Anonymous almost 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3379809 Legacy Poster: Nick Sayer (nsayer)

We're using the HTML output method with US-ASCII encoding. The idea is that we want to force non-7bit characters to be represented as entities. We know that on occasion some bad characters sneak into our data. In particular, sometimes chars between 0x80 and 0x9f show up (Windows code page conversion mistakes is my guess). We'd really prefer it if we could set a flag somewhere to have (saxon 8.5.1) XSLT ignore these and either write them out as entities or just skip over them rather than throwing. Is there anything we can do? Filtering the source document would be painful.

Replies (1)

RE: Can SERE0014 be made non-fatal? - Added by Anonymous almost 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3379838 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

I'm afraid the W3C working groups (under pressure from the I18N experts, who carry a lot of political clout) went to great lengths to insist on processors implementing this error check and deeming any extension that bypasses it as non-conformant. My own position on the matter is much more pragmatic, but I lost the argument. If you don't like it, I suggest you raise it as a comment on the spec. But I suggest you wait until the next version of the specs - we're not really open for comments at the moment.


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