item-at gives unknown system function error
Added by Anonymous over 19 years ago
Legacy ID: #3339202 Legacy Poster: gkiplinger2000 (gkiplinger2000)
Hello, I am using saxon version 8.5.1 with Java SDK version 1.4.2. I want to use the tokenize() function available in XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0. tokenize works great, but when I try to use the item-at function to access the array, I get the following error: Unknown system function item-at() The index-of function works just fine though. Does anyone have any suggestions? Here is a little bit of my xsl file: <xsl:variable name="ar_labels" select="tokenize(@labels,'|')"/> <xsl:value-of select="item-at($ar_labels,3)"/> Thanks!
Replies (2)
RE: item-at gives unknown system function err
Added by Anonymous over 19 years ago
Legacy ID: #3339219 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)
item-at() was removed from the specs quite a while back, because it was redundant. You can write $ar_labels[3], or in the rare cases where that's inconvenient because the context is different, subsequence($ar_labels, 3, 1). Michael Kay
RE: item-at gives unknown system function error
Added by Anonymous over 19 years ago
Legacy ID: #3339225 Legacy Poster: gkiplinger2000 (gkiplinger2000)
Thanks Michael! It works great!
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