


XTSE0150: xsl:version attribute is missing

Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3239065 Legacy Poster: helicopter (helicopter_le)

Hallo, if I am using dom4j in conjunction with Saxon 8.4 using a <xsl:include> I get the following error: XTSE0150: xsl:version attribute is missing the included styleheet looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="..."> <xsl:template name="something"> .... .... ... </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> Without dom4j it works fine !? Any hint ? Regards, Thomas

Replies (2)

RE: XTSE0150: xsl:version attribute is missing - Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3239096 Legacy Poster: helicopter (helicopter_le)

Oh, I think it is importand to mention that I am using an URIResolver to include other stylesheets: <xsl:include href="arg://library"/> They are loaded using dom4j.

RE: XTSE0150: xsl:version attribute is missin - Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3239196 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

The most likely explanation is that this is a namespace problem: Saxon hasn't recognized xsl:stylesheet as being in the XSLT namespace, therefore it thinks that it must be a simplified stylesheet, therefore it requires an xsl:version attribute in the XSLT namespace. Saxon doesn't have any direct support for DOM4J, so you need to explain in more detail how you are loading the included stylesheet modules. Michael Kay


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