


cannot resolve symbol method getValue()

Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3224228 Legacy Poster: Lawrence J. Sylvain (lsylvain)

I am trying to compile symbols for debugging purposes. I have downloaded Saxon 8.4 and Jaxp 1.3. When compiling with jdk version 1.4.2_04, 1.4.2_05 or 1.5.0 (I realize I don't need jaxp for 1.5) I get the following error at lines 265 and 294 in net.sf.saxon.jdom.NodeWrapper cannot resolve symbol method getValue() I can see that Element is resolving to org.jdom.Element I thought this might be a dom3 thing, so I tried using xerces 2.7.0 with no success. Any clues? I'm so close! If I can resolve this I am almost sure I will be able to use this in my app server. Thanks in advance.

Replies (2)

RE: cannot resolve symbol method getValue() - Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3224784 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Please check which version of JDOM (jdom.jar) you have on your class path. If you're not using JDOM, you could leave the net.sf.saxon.jdom package out of your compilation. Michael Kay

RE: cannot resolve symbol method getValue() - Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3226035 Legacy Poster: Lawrence J. Sylvain (lsylvain)

Right on the mark, MK! Thank you so much!!! For those who are interested, I am running Saxon with Resin 2.x quite nicely. The only way I can find to control error logging is via an ErrorListener. I guess the JAXP guys decided not to use the logging API (that's regretful). I went ahead and extended StandardErrorListener and it works great, though. In short, I'm a very happy camper! Also for those interested, in order to get symbols I built the entire Saxon 8.4 source true using JDK 1.4 with the following jars in the classpath: From JAXP 1.3: -- dom.jar -- jaxp-api.jar From jdom-1.0: -- jdom.jar From xom 1.0: -- xom-1.0.jar It is absolutely awesome simply having XPath 2.0 functionality, MK, but I'm also excited about the other 2.0 functionality! Please accept my compliments on your fine implemtation! With Highest Regards, Lawrence J. Sylvain


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