


XQuery OutOfMemory

Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3172313 Legacy Poster: Jon Vaughan (jon_vaughan)

Hi, We're running 8.1 with Xms/Xmx 1.2Gb and getting an Outofmemory running a complex xquery against a 20mb (on disk) doc. Stacktrace below. It amounts to the app requesting 85Mb of heap, and I think the thread as it goes fragments the heap so much that there is no chunk big enough left. I've tried profiling, have removed other memory hogging parts of app, also tried lazy tree pull method in 8.4, also requesting heap compaction on gc, no improvements. The obvious answers are refactor doc, refactor xquery, both of which are quite painful, so as a last ditch effort I thought i'd post - if anyone has any suggestions then they would be very welcome. Also, I've noticed that DOM representations of xml vary from 2x to up to 7x string memory required, any thoughts on what makes a low memory dom representation also helpful. Many thanks Jon >>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError at Code))at net.sf.saxon.event.XMLEmitter.attribute( Code))at net.sf.saxon.event.XMLIndenter.attribute( Code))at net.sf.saxon.event.NamespaceReducer.attribute( Code))at net.sf.saxon.event.ComplexContentOutputter.startContent( Code))at net.sf.saxon.tinytree.TinyElementImpl.copy( Code))at net.sf.saxon.event.ComplexContentOutputter.append( Code))at net.sf.saxon.instruct.DocumentInstr.processLeavingTail( at et.sf.saxon.instruct.Instruction.process( Code)) at >> How we do it: private String executeQuery(XQueryExpression anXQueryExpression, Map someDocumentParameters, String aContext) throws XPathException { StringWriter myWriter = new StringWriter(); DynamicQueryContext myDynamicQueryContext = new DynamicQueryContext(theConfiguration); if (theURIResolver != null) { myDynamicQueryContext.setURIResolver(theURIResolver); } if (aContext != null) { StaticQueryContext myStaticQueryContext = new StaticQueryContext(theConfiguration); ByteArrayInputStream myInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(aContext.getBytes()); Source mySource = new StreamSource(myInputStream); Item myItem = myStaticQueryContext.buildDocument(mySource); myDynamicQueryContext.setContextItem(myItem); } if (someDocumentParameters != null) { for (Iterator i = someDocumentParameters.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String myParameter = (String); myDynamicQueryContext.setParameter(myParameter, someDocumentParameters.get(myParameter)); } }, new StreamResult(myWriter), theProperties); return myWriter.toString(); }

Replies (1)

RE: XQuery OutOfMemory - Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3172452 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

The failure occurred while serializing the result to your StringWriter. How bug do you expect the serialized result to be? Does it work if you send the output to a file instead? Of course it might be that this is irrelevant and that the space is all taken up with temporary results. You haven't shown the query (you say its complex) so I've no information to go on here. You might find it useful to run HAT (Heat Analysis Tool) and tell me what it shows in terms of the objects on the heap. In this case it's unlikely to be the source tree causing the problem. Saxon doesn't use a DOM internally, but perhaps you used the term DOM generically. The Saxon TinyTree takes about 20 bytes per node, plus 2 bytes per character in text and attribute nodes. Michael Kay


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