


Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3135400 Legacy Poster: Anantha Krishnan (coolkrishnan)

String outFile = "../temp/a.xml"); File f = new File(outFile);, new StreamResult(f), props); The run method throws an error saying outFile path contains spaces. The abs path of outFile DOES contain spaces, but I am passing only a relative path. So, I don't expect it to throw such an error. Am I missing something ? Thanks ananth

Replies (1)

RE: - Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3135450 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

StreamResult is a class over which I have no control: it's part of the Sun JAXP distribution; and it does a very poor job of File->URI conversion. Given a file, rather than doing new StreamSource(file) try new StreamSource(file.toURI().toString()) Michael Kay


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