


8.4: saxon:script/@archive - relative paths

Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3122822 Legacy Poster: Boris Kaminer (boris_kaminer)

Tried to use saxon:script to get access to functions from my own jar, but seems it is able to find archive only if i specify full path to it. At the same time <xsl:result-document> works well with relative paths. >dir . <DIR> java <DIR> >dir java . <DIR> xmlutil.jar <saxon:script implements-prefix="util" language="java" archive="java/xmlutil.jar" src="java:xgen.xmlutil.StringUtil"/> - cannot find xgen.xmlutil.StringUtil But after: <xsl:result-document href="document5.xml"> <xsl:copy-of select="$document5"/> </xsl:result-document> >dir . <DIR> java <DIR> document5.xml

Replies (1)

RE: 8.4: saxon:script/@archive - relative pat - Added by Anonymous about 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3123154 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

saxon:script treats the @archive URL as being relative to the base URI of the saxon:script element in the stylesheet, which will normally be the location of the stylesheet in filestore. In other words, it should work the same as relative URIs in xsl:include and xsl:import. This is different from xsl:result-document, where relative URIs are taken as relative to the "base output URI", which isn't known until run-time. Michael Kay


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