



Added by Anonymous over 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3017125 Legacy Poster: Yana Kadiyska (ykadiyska)

Hi, I get a lot of IllegalArgumentExceptions like this: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: DocumentWrapper#wrap: supplied node does not belong to the wrapped DOM document at net.sf.saxon.dom.DocumentWrapper.wrap( at at net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathEvaluator.setSource( I am using Saxon v8.1.1 and it appears that the exception occurs whenever the DOMSource is constructed from a node which is not a document and has been disconnected from a document (e.g a reference obtained by calling removeChild()). Am I missing something...I did not see references to this in the bugs, sorry if it's something old. Thanks for your time

Replies (1)

RE: DocumentWrapper#wrap - Added by Anonymous over 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #3017178 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

This restriction is documented in the API specification for DocumentWrapper#wrap; Saxon can only create a wrapper for a DOM tree that is rooted at a document node. Without this restriction, it would be very hard to enforce the XPath data model semantics that required nodes to have distinct identity and stable document order. Michael Kay


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