


Bug in attribute value templates?

Added by Anonymous over 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #2948394 Legacy Poster: Brandon Nelson (brandonnelson)

I've just upgraded to Saxon 8.2 B, and JSE 5.0 (From Saxon 8.1 and JRE 1.4.2_3), and an occurrence of an attribute value template in one of my stylesheets is now broken. The problem is with an attribute value template that refers to a saxon:assignable variable, and is prefixed by literal text. e.g: <xsl:variable name="i" saxon:assignable="yes" /> ... <saxon:assign name="i" select="number(replace(@href, '[0-9]+-_..*', '$1'))" /> <xsl:comment><item id="{$i}" /></xsl:comment> <item id="smil_{$i}" /> In this case, the commented item element will have an id with the correct value, but the following item will have an id of "smil_".

Replies (1)

RE: Bug in attribute value templates? - Added by Anonymous over 19 years ago

Legacy ID: #2951081 Legacy Poster: Michael Kay (mhkay)

Please send me a complete stylesheet that demonstrates the problem. It's becoming increasingly difficult to maintain saxon:assign as the optimizer becomes more sophisticated: I find myself introducing more and more restrictions. Eventually it's likely to be withdrawn altogether. However, if I can fix this one then I will. Michael Kay


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