


xslt ant task and SAXON

Added by Anonymous almost 20 years ago

Legacy ID: #2791814 Legacy Poster: guill (viranting)

I am trying to run an XSLT transform with SAXON through ANT. Here is my script : <xslt processor="trax" style="myXsl.xsl" in="toto.xml" out="titi.xml" classpath="correctpath/saxon7.jar"> <factory name="net.sf.saxon.Transform"/> </xslt> And however I change this task (I also tried TransformerFactoryImpl), I keep on getting : ClassNotFoundException:net.sf.saxon.Transform Any idea ? Thank you very much for your help. G.

Replies (4)

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RE: xslt ant task and SAXON - Added by Anonymous almost 20 years ago

Legacy ID: #2792984 Legacy Poster: Colin Paul Adams (colin-adams)

What O/S are you using? I had tremendous problems building Cocoon on Fedora Core 2, because it comes with a version of ANT compiled using gcj (incidentally, has anyone ever tried compiling Saxon with gcj?). I eventually had to remove the FC2 ant packages, then the versions supplied with Coccon (normal jars) would work OK. This may all be irrelevant to your problem, though.

RE: xslt ant task and SAXON - Added by Anonymous almost 20 years ago

Legacy ID: #2793160 Legacy Poster: MATSUHASHI KAZUAKI (kmatsuhashi)

PLS read the following URL: This is saying >you are facing a common problem with delegating classloaders.

RE: xslt ant task and SAXON - Added by Anonymous almost 20 years ago

Legacy ID: #2793164 Legacy Poster: MATSUHASHI KAZUAKI (kmatsuhashi)

Ouch, the URL was too short. To be precise;

RE: xslt ant task and SAXON - Added by Anonymous almost 20 years ago

Legacy ID: #2793684 Legacy Poster: guill (viranting)

Thank you very much for your answers. I have just added saxon7.jar to my CLASSPATH and used for the factory TransformerFactoryImpl and ANT can execute my xslt transform...Thank you very much ! G.


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